Leticia Sabater has been reborn. This was confirmed by her in a telephone interview with the Socialité program after the traffic accident that nearly cost her her life came to light last weekend. And it is that, apparently, the vehicle in which she was traveling lost control at the height of the town of La Mata (Torrevieja) and was left on the edge of a ravine.

According to the singer of La Salchipapa, had it not been for the help of the residents of that town in Alicante, the car would have ended up at the bottom of the precipice and, therefore, could have suffered injuries. A spectacular mishap that, despite scaring her body, did not prevent her from going on stage shortly after.

“I have been between life and death. I’m serious, huh? I am not exaggerating one millimeter ”, Leticia Sabater assured the Socialité journalist who called her on the phone after learning about the tragic traffic accident that she had just suffered in the Alicante town of La Mata just before giving one of her concerts.

According to the singer, everything happened as follows: “I had already entered to park in a place, when I backed up, it was so dark, so dark, that it was a millimeter away from falling off a cliff.” And she wanted to emphasize the distance in question on two more occasions: “I am telling you” millimeter “, that you know that I am not exaggerating at all.”

It was all due to the fact that the vehicle skidded and remained half hanging on a piece of land where the fall was one meter, which could have caused the car to overturn with the occupants inside. In this case, with Leticia Sabater, who explained how she was between life and death for half an hour until they managed to get her out.

Between fifteen or twenty people who were in the area, residents of the town, came to help the singer. A community solidarity that materialized in the arrival of a tractor to be able to tow it.

So much so that, after the moments of tension and after avoiding the tragedy, Leticia Sabater arrived at the concert riding the tractor that saved her life. “Thank you, residents of La Mata, you are incredible and I love you, this is not even in Arenal,” she said by way of thanks to those present before beginning her performance.