Cleaning the bathroom can become a headache on certain occasions, especially when it is neglected. High humidity conditions bring with them a whole series of consequences that, above all, are more than reflected when it comes to getting down to work with hygiene tasks. And there is no doubt that one of the main enemies in this environment is mold. A dirt problem that should be solved as soon as possible once it has been detected.

This can appear in different spaces of the bathroom and take different forms, depending on what type it is. Although one of the most common and unpleasant is the classic black silicone mold in the bathroom. Which not only gives the bathroom a most undesirable appearance, but is also unhealthy. Therefore, it is advisable to remove it as soon as possible.

Black mold is a type of fungus that arises due to excessive water condensation, a common situation in bathrooms after a hot shower, especially if the room is not ventilated. What happens is that this resulting vapor causes a great increase in the humidity of the environment and, as a result, you get the black mold that can be seen on the silicone in the bathroom. As already mentioned, the problem is not that it is simply aesthetically unpleasant, but that it is also harmful to health.

Once an area of ??silicone infested with the black fungus has been identified, action must be taken as soon as possible to eliminate it. This can be achieved mainly by means of two formulas. For the first one, you will need white vinegar and baking soda, two essential products for cleaning the home in general thanks to their versatility. In a sprayer, two thirds of white vinegar and three tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate are poured. Next, a little baking soda will be carefully applied to the black mold and the mixture will be sprayed on top. After letting it rest for about thirty minutes, it will be rubbed with a brush and warm water until it completely disappears.

Another method is to use bleach, which should be mixed with water in a ratio of one third for every liter of water. Next, a cloth is submerged in the mixture and placed on top of the mold. Once it has sat for ten minutes, you will scrub the black mold off the silicone with a brush and, when it is all gone, rinse it with water. Finally, it will only be necessary to dry the entire area well.