How do you remove a Star from a movie? It can, if it is, cut out or, if you have a little time out to write. Both Kevin happened to Spacey recently. From the finished Film All the Money in the World, he has been on the cutting table out file. And from the book of the series House of Cards, in which he played the role of the US President, he had to disappear in a timely manner. So Spacey lost everything, roles, and reputation, because colleagues accused him of, he was allowed sexual Assault.

2. November House of Cards on Sky in the final. We remember: Francis Underwood, the criminal President of the USA, handed over the reins to his wife, Claire, in the hope of being able to continue the threads of spiders. But Claire lets him fall. Whereupon he swears revenge: “I’ll kill!” It’s not going to come. In the Trailer for the last season we see Claire Underwood, played by Robin Wright, at the grave of her husband. The Writers’ Room, the collective of authors has applied the most ruthless one script-stain removal agent for disgraced actor and Spacey character die. His series the end is also the end of a demonic utopia, which consisted of a baseness connected to the can Few make it to the top, if it only keeps tight and together: Claire and Francis, the double-headed government monster in the United States.

This article dates back to the TIME no 45/2018. Here you can read the entire issue.

In House of Cards is Claire Underwood is now all alone. How will you deal with your audience? Her husband, Francis had turned to the watching Netflix-subscribers – he knew where his voters and patrons sit. Friends and Familiar, he didn’t need to, he had us. Underwood used the old theatre technique of the aside speech. He said the Essential, in the instances over, directly to the audience (and a reminder to the Twitter the Trump). His wife, Claire, however, is vigilant to have to make a deal with anyone. You are not familiar with the camera, as if to say: you viewers, I believe as little as the rabble in Washington. But now, the Online magazine Vice, which saw a few of the highly-secret new episodes in advance, tells Claire to change their communication strategy. She takes us, finally, to true and has a message for us: “What has also always said that Francis in the last five years – don’t believe a word … I’m going to tell you the truth.”

who is the President of Claire’s talk at the end: with the past (her dead husband), the present (the audience), or of the eternity (God has seen your sins)? The question should keep us in suspense.

In Germany are the eight episodes of the sixth season 2. November on Sky.