
Mark Schmitz, a Gold Star father, has been deeply affected by the loss of his son, Marine Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, who was killed in action in Kabul, Afghanistan on Aug. 26, 2021. Jared, who was only 20 years old at the time of his death, had always dreamed of being a Marine and serving his country.

Despite the immense grief of losing his son, Mark has chosen to honor Jared’s memory by appreciating the freedoms that America offers. He has expressed frustration at seeing people take these freedoms for granted, wasting them on trivial matters and complaints. Mark believes that many people fail to appreciate what they have, especially in comparison to those in other countries who do not enjoy the same privileges.

Jared’s journey to becoming a Marine began when he was just 8 years old, and his commitment to serving his country never wavered. He graduated from high school and was sworn into the Marine Corps in 2019, amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Jared’s dedication and passion for his service were evident throughout his training and deployments.

Mark vividly remembers the last conversation he had with Jared before he deployed to Afghanistan. Jared expressed his fears and uncertainties about the dangerous mission that lay ahead of him. Tragically, Jared was one of the 13 American service members who lost their lives in the explosion at the Kabul airport. Mark initially held out hope that Jared had been moved to safety, only to discover the heartbreaking truth.

In honor of Jared and the other fallen heroes, Mark has established the Freedom 13 foundation. The foundation’s mission is to create veteran retreats in all 50 states, providing support and assistance to those who have served their country. Through this initiative, Mark hopes to commemorate the sacrifices made by Jared and his comrades, ensuring that their legacy lives on.

Mark’s dedication to honoring his son’s memory is a powerful reminder of the true cost of freedom. As America celebrates Independence Day, it is essential to reflect on the sacrifices made by individuals like Jared, who gave their lives in service of their country. The Freedom 13 foundation stands as a testament to the bravery and selflessness of these fallen heroes, ensuring that their contributions will never be forgotten.