Edmundo Arrocet’s interview has turned everything upside down. The comedian offered a few words for the magazine Diez Minutos with which he wanted to put his relationship with María Teresa Campos on the table, a month after her death. “Teresita wanted us to get married so that I could have a pension,” said the Chilean.

But that is not all. ‘Bigote’ did not hesitate to talk about the money he lent the journalist and the reason for her breakup: “They were issues of jealousy. Distrust was deteriorating the relationship.” Some words that the Campos family did not like at all, who did not hesitate to attack him on the television sets.

“She was very happy, but she was also very unhappy. I said it the other day and I maintain that the worst thing that has happened in my mother’s life is this person,” said Carmen Borrego on the program Let’s see. “This made him not resume her life. With this I am not saying that she was responsible for her death, but for my mother’s decline. She never ever recovered,” she added.

Although Las Campos have spoken out, it has not been until now that Gabriela Arrocet has wanted to defend her father. During an interview on the same program, Edmundo’s daughter wanted to make things clear. “She (María Teresa) would be very happy with the way my father refers to her,” she began to relate.

“People who have read the interview and understood it, because perhaps some people have read it and do not have sufficient reading comprehension, can see that my father has spoken very well of María Teresa,” he continued. However, he has not been slow to launch attacks towards his daughters.

“All of Spain knows that their daughters are scheming and toxic. I don’t see what the news is there,” said Gabriela Arrocet. Without a doubt, her opinion of Terelu and Campos is not entirely good. “In these four years the only thing his daughters have done is speak badly about my father and all of Spain knows that,” she added.

“I was never interested in meeting them. I have very good intuition. From the moment I heard how they treated their mother at a dinner, I said: ‘I’m not interested in these girls,'” he said, referring to Carmen and Terelu. “I would never ask for forgiveness from them. Let them ask for forgiveness from me for how they have treated my father,” she expressed.

Likewise, he has once again insisted on his father’s legitimacy to speak. “My father was silent for four years and circumstances have forced him to put things in order. Never in his life has he taken advantage of María Teresa,” he wanted to make clear. “He is just clarifying. Anyone has the right to clarify,” she added.