Today the British newspaper The Guardian published bombshell news that has left international society frozen. 16 women have reported that the well-known United States magician David Copperfield harassed and sexually assaulted them over the last 30 years. Some of these girls have explained that the events occurred when they were still minors.

The accusations include different episodes within a period of time ranging from 1980 to 2014 and, in some of the testimonies of the alleged victims, the women defend that the illusionist used drugs to nullify their capacity for resistance and consent.

Faced with such a serious accusation, the magician’s legal team has responded publicly on his behalf, denying all the facts. In addition to showing his opposition to the women’s complaint, the lawyers have defined Copperfield as a staunch defender of the movement.

Over the last few hours there has been a lot of talk about the magician’s personal life. Although it has not been possible to avoid mentioning his relationship with the Jeffrey Epstein case, there are also many users on the Internet who have rescued the rumors about his alleged homosexuality, gossip that accompanied the magician during his most brilliant years. .

In an attempt to sort out the actor’s romantic life and to try to learn more about the man behind the artist accused of crimes as serious as sexual harassment and assault, we have to talk about his partners.

Despite rumors about his sexual orientation, Copperfield became well known internationally (in addition to his magic) for his romance with the beautiful German model Claudia Schiffer.

After a first meeting as a promotion, the spark arose between the American and the European. Their relationship made international headlines and covers during the almost six years they were dating (1994-1999). Evil tongues claim that both signed an agreement to hide Copperfield’s homosexuality.

Although the illusionist never confirmed any major romances after being with Schiffer, the press linked him with other women, some famous and others more anonymous: Sarah Miles, Heidi Klum, Merily Jurna, Sonia Uribe, etc.

In 2008, Copperfield met Chloe Gosselin, a woman 28 years younger than him, and fell madly in love. At that time, the Frenchwoman was professionally dedicated to the world of fashion and modeling. The relationship continues to this day and they have both had a son, Dylan, and two daughters, Audrey and Sky.

According to the times that appear in the official accusations that have come to light, the magician would have carried out such criminal acts while maintaining romantic relationships with other women.