Beatriz Luengo is one of the most versatile artists on the current Spanish performing scene. A singer, actress, dancer and even a businesswoman, she took her first steps as a member of the cast of Un Paso Ahead, being part of the UPA Dance albums. Surrounded by big names like Mónica Cruz, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Lola Herrera or Jaime Blanch, she ended up making her way to success alone.

The Madrid native has had the opportunity to talk at length about her life and career through an interview with Mediaset’s Divinity. She has done so under the presentation of her latest book, Hasta que se aban las songs, a comedy novel with a social tone inspired by her relationship with Yotuel Romero, also a co-star in Un Paso Ahead. One of the most talked about aspects of the conversation was related to her body at that time.

She acknowledged that Spain is where she felt she was loved the most, despite not lavishing herself on the media as frequently as is the case with other celebrities. Likewise, she denied the possibility of denying her past, claiming that she was part of her life and claiming her music and her body at that time, despite the “ many corsets” that were placed on her during her career.

“In the 2000s you had to have surgery on your chest to appear on TV, and I claimed my chest a lot, I refused to get fillers,” he insisted. Despite this, she defended the empowerment of her body and his style, which in the end many current celebrities on the Spanish music front page have ended up inheriting. “We did something well,” she told herself before the camera and microphones of the Mediaset channel.

Claims that are also transferred to her book, the result of a long and solid romance with Yotuel Romero. “It started out as a purely physical relationship and ended up becoming that and something much deeper. “Fighting against what is established and what is normative has always motivated me a lot. I have never regretted defending what I believe in,” she explained, showing the fight against racism as a constant theme in her book.

“Doña Inés Humanes de Arteaga has just died and leaves Karma, her cat, as the beneficiary of her immense fortune and Luciana, her assistant and caretaker of the pet, as executor. Luciana, Colombian and mulatto, has been living in Spain for more than seven years and never imagined that her, finally, quiet life could take a turn in such a surreal way,” details the synopsis of the Planeta novel, in which Doña Inés’s son , Bastián, will come into play both in the inheritance and with Luciana.