Every time Fabiola Martínez reappears in public, there is a question from the reporters that seems obligatory: whatever the latest controversy or situation that Bertín Osborne, the father of her two children, is experiencing. The Venezuelan businesswoman knows that having spent almost two decades with the artist has its advantages, but she probably never imagined that the shadow of her fame would follow him so far and for anything, despite having been there for more than three years. separated.

Fabiola reappeared last Wednesday at the last event of the Inocente Foundation and, close as always, she was very friendly with the reporters. Of course, when the “obligatory” question about Bertín Osborne came, the Venezuelan reacted in a surprising way and left everyone present speechless.

Fabiola posed at the event’s photocall, very smiling, but when it came to answering the reporters’ questions, she already saw it coming. “Let’s see how original you are going to be,” she warned them, laughing, knowing what she was about to come. In defense of the professionals, they kept the line of questions focused on the charity event and Fabiola’s work; However, they soon diverted to her ex-partner.

The reporters couldn’t help but ask how Bertín Osborne was doing with respect to his health, and the Venezuelan gave an unexpected answer, with a surprising nickname for the singer: “I have no idea how the man is,” she stated, leaving her speechless. to professionals, referring to the father of her children as “the gentleman.”

The Venezuelan assured that she did not miss the reporters at the door of her house and, when asked about Gabriela Guillén and the controversies about her son, she completely dissociated herself from the topic. “I think it’s phenomenal.” Of course, she made it clear that she speaks with the artist regularly. “Yes, but I’m not going to tell anything.”

The television collaborator also assured that she is very focused on new professional projects that she will reveal before the end of the year, so she does not have time for anything related to love, despite all the rumors that have emerged in recent times about a possible new partner.

Furthermore, the Venezuelan assured that she was far from falling in love again, since she is increasingly demanding with the qualities of the person she wants to have by her side. The Venezuelan woman is looking for someone who “crushes” her, because someone who doesn’t “talk to her or isn’t at the same pace bores me a lot, no matter how handsome he is.”

 “I am in love with life, with myself,” she stated. “I had a great time. “I do what I can, when I want, with who I want and where I want.”