Eurovision 2024 has been one of the most controversial editions in memory in the 68-year history of the contest. Israel’s participation after the war in Gaza has been in the spotlight, being the cause of protests throughout the Eurovision week, both outside and inside the venue.

However, due to the whims of fate, this highly politicized season has ended up being won by Switzerland, a completely neutral country. But as if this controversy were not big enough, it was joined by the disqualification of the Netherlands shortly before the final. An expulsion that many saw as disproportionate and for which the organization has already released an official statement.

And this disqualification continues to bring a lot of queue almost a week after it happened and with the festival already over. “Contrary to what was clearly specified previously, Joost was recorded just as he was urgently leaving the stage to reach the green room. At that point, Joost repeatedly indicated that he did not want to be recorded. His wish was not respected. This led to a threatening gesture towards the camera,” Dutch television stated.

However, the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) took this event as an “incident” that they could not ignore. To begin with, the EBU has once again emphasized that there was “threatening behavior directed at a female member of the production team.”

A fact that continues to be investigated by the police of the host country of Eurovision 2024, Sweden. “Joost’s behavior clearly violated the rules of the contest,” they added in the official statement. “They are designed to ensure that there is a safe work environment for all staff and protect production,” they continued.

After this, he wanted to make it clear that although they are not “prejudging the judicial process”, in his opinion, “it would not have been appropriate for Joost to participate in the Grand Final.” With this, they affirm that they did not want to wait for the police’s decision and took their own measures.

“The decision to exclude him was supported by the governing body of the Festival and unanimously supported by the Executive Committee of the EBU, after an exhaustive internal investigation,” he explained. Furthermore, there is an important fact in this statement, and it is that it indicates that the version of the events that is being published and that is circulating on social networks is not the one that is in the hands of the police.

Even so, it seems that these explanations are not enough for some televisions. RTS, Serbia’s public television, is willing to go all the way in this matter, considering that the punishment was “too severe” and that Joost should not have been expelled. Something to which other organizations add.