
Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke have built a strong bond while working together on House of the Dragon. Their chemistry on and off the screen has captivated fans and critics alike. The dynamic between Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower, portrayed by D’Arcy and Cooke, is central to the show’s plot and character development.

As they prepare for the premiere of Season 2, D’Arcy and Cooke reflect on their characters’ journey and the challenges they face. Rhaenyra is consumed by grief and the weight of her responsibilities, while Alicent grapples with her diminishing power and autonomy. The two women are on separate paths, but their connection remains strong, haunting each other as they navigate the turbulent waters of Westeros.

The actors reveal that filming Season 2 was a demanding yet rewarding experience. They found moments of respite at a local pub near the set, where they could debrief and unwind after long days of shooting. Despite the intense emotional scenes they had to portray, D’Arcy and Cooke managed to find joy and humor in their work, thanks to the supportive cast and crew.

The costumes and settings in Season 2 also play a significant role in shaping the characters’ journeys. Rhaenyra’s traditional attire reflects her deep connection to her family’s history, while Alicent’s evolving wardrobe symbolizes her newfound freedom and independence. The actors appreciate the attention to detail in their costumes, which helps them embody their characters’ inner turmoil and growth.

As the new season unfolds, Rhaenyra and Alicent find themselves at odds with the men around them, who are eager for war and glory at any cost. The women’s voices are often drowned out in council meetings, highlighting the challenges they face as female leaders in a male-dominated society. D’Arcy and Cooke draw from their own experiences to portray the emotional complexity of their characters in these intense scenes.

In addition to their work on House of the Dragon, D’Arcy is currently performing in the stage production of Bluets at The Royal Court. Cooke plans to attend the show soon to support her co-star in her theatrical endeavors. The actors’ friendship extends beyond the screen, reinforcing the bond they share both professionally and personally.

Overall, Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke’s portrayal of Rhaenyra and Alicent in Season 2 of House of the Dragon promises to be a compelling and emotional journey for fans of the series. Their dedication to their roles and the depth of their performances reflect the complexity and resilience of the characters they bring to life on screen.