Coleen Nolan and Michael Jones are like two teenage love birds. After meeting on Tinder seven months ago, the couple fell in love and spent the interview laughing and finishing each others sentences.

The 56-year-old Loose Woman star was so mad about her ex-husband Ray Fensome, it’s no surprise that she is so happy to be giddy. She also openly admitted that she believed her dating days were over. This exclusive for OK! VIP readers – The smitten couple openly discuss their relationship, talk about a possible wedding, and share their thoughts on the Loose Women reports.

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It’s so exciting. Coleen explains that she was genuinely afraid it would not happen again after falling in love with her new man.

She praises Michael for bringing calm and peace to her life.

Michael, 57 years old, takes our photo shoot at Coleen’s beautiful Cheshire countryside home with ease.

Coleen proudly declares that “Nothing fazes” him as she calms her dogs Buddy, Mica, and Beck, who are trying to communicate their presence.

Although Coleen and Michael were married before, Michael’s last marriage ended in his thirties, it is clear that they are happier now than ever.

It’s not all sunshine, flowers and rainbows. Coleen was involved in a Loose Women drama for the past week.

OK! She spoke out about her anger at reports that she was “high and powerful” on set. Some co-stars, including Stacey Solomon, have since denied that story.

She admitted that she was hurt by the story. Brenda Edwards, Janet Street Porter, and Stacey were very supportive of her.

Here Coleen, who is mum to Shane Jr., 33, Jake (her sons from Shane Richie), and Ciara (20 (her daughters with Shane Richie), tells us about their love story, how they blended their families and why a future marriage is inevitable.

Michael, it’s nice to finally get to know you! Did you guys meet on Tinder?

Michael: Yeah. Michael: Yes. To be honest, I didn’t know much about the woman except that I knew she was in Nolans and knew she was on Loose Women. It’s not like I have ever seen it.

Coleen: Liar! Coleen: You were a huge fan of the show.

Michael: It was quite a challenge. It’s easy to wonder if you are just swiping because you recognize her. I had to think it through and make sure I was doing it for the right reasons. I didn’t think she would respond anyway. Surprisingly, once I swiped she was a match right away. This meant that she already liked me.

Coleen: That is so annoying! Coleen: How annoying is that?

Let us know about your first date.

Michael: We met at a pub in between our homes.

Coleen: I told the children, “I’ll come home in an hour!” After a couple of Tinder dates, I was able to tell my kids that I knew it wasn’t going to be more than they expected.

We are assuming you didn’t get home in the hour. !

Michael: They kicked us out at eleven after we met around 5pm.

Did you know immediately that this was something special for you?

Both: Yeah!

Coleen: It was like we never stopped talking. Michael: It was an instant connection. It was great fun, didn’t it?

Coleen: The pub owner said at the end, “I’m letting you go but I’m taking my dogs for a walk.”

In the pub

Before you left for home, did you take a moment to snooze in the parking lot?

Coleen: He did it!

Michael: You lie!

Coleen: Do you ever feel that moment when you walk back to your car and think, “Oh, God, what should we do?”

Michael: Then you gave me a hug.

Coleen: You liar! We kissed at each other in the car.

Did you ever think “This is it”, as you drove home together?

Coleen: He was someone I loved. My kids were texting me asking “Are you still here?” When I returned, I said, “I really, truly like him.”

What was the first time you realized it was love?

Michael: It took a few months.

Coleen: I was just terrified when he said that. I had wobbles all the time and told him that I couldn’t see him.

Michael: After telling me she couldn’t see me, she then messaged me asking “Why haven’t I heard from your?”

Coleen: It wasn’t my intention!

Coleen wasn’t afraid at all, did you?

Michael: Yeah. It was evident that we loved each other just by the way we were together. I let her have her space.

Coleen: He didn’t give up on me.

Michael, you were the first to tell you that you loved you.

Michael: Yes, I did.

Coleen: It was the awful moment you dread. It made me happy, but I thought, “I don’t know if I can say it yet. I want to be certain.”

When did you say it?

Coleen: It wasn’t long afterwards. It was just a thought: “I do love you and I want to tell you.” This feeling grows stronger every day.

You guys make each other laugh so much!

Coleen: We do. We haven’t had our first row for nearly seven months. Except for when we go shopping. It really gets on my nerves.

Michael: You really get on my nerves too.

Coleen: Coleen is one of those people who asks, “Why aren’t you buying them?” These are one pound cheaper!

Coleen, you claimed that being with Michael has awakened your sex life ….

Coleen: It’s so nice to know that I am not dead from my waist down. It’s great and everything is in order. It’s an amazing feeling.

Michael: It’s so easy to get along with everything.

Coleen: He will be looking at me as if I’m the greatest thing since sliced bread, even though I’m wearing my pajamas and no make-up. Normally, I would think, “I need make-up or he won’t like me or love me!” But Michael has come along and looks at me as if I’ve never been seen before.

Are you in the most loving relationship you’ve ever had?

Coleen: It’s the first time that I have ever entered into a relationship with an emotionally mature woman. It’s so peaceful, comfortable, and beautiful… I don’t have enough words to describe it.

How did you meet your children?

Michael: Ciara and I met within a few weeks. I went to a barbecue. Then Jake and Shane. Everyone’s been amazing.

Coleen: Michael’s son is brilliant. He is part of our family. He is 6ft 4in tall and I call him Baby Nico, even though he is only 20 years old!

Coleen, does he get along with your children?

Coleen: Yeah. They terrorize him, and he loves it! It was strange for Ciara and my children at the beginning. Ray was her father, so she had only known me as a tactile, romantic partner. After that, I was on my own for three to four years. It was me and her. Then Michael arrived and she was unsure how to deal with it. She was not used to having a man hold me hand or hug me.

Michael: She had a chat with us.

What was her message?

Coleen: Coleen sat down with us and got it all off her chest. She felt a little left out. She said, “Everytime I see you it is Michael this and Michael that!” She felt a little jealous. She missed her mother.

Michael: We had a good conversation about it, and Coleen was spending more time with Ciara than I was with Coleen. Now everyone is a team.

What does Michael feel about Michael’s relationship with his son?

Michael: He has been a great friend. He wants me to be happy.

Coleen: I have been through hell with my kids. They were terrified that I would be hurt again.

Are you Ray or Michael?

Michael: We get along well. They spent Christmas Day together. We’re going to a rugby match next month, I believe.

Are you familiar with Coleen Richie’s first husband Shane Richie?

Michael: He hasn’t yet met me.

Coleen: Shane is really happy for you.

What do you love about your partner the most?

Michael: She is so funny.

Coleen: Funny? You’re brilliant, okay, I’ll be your clown! He brings me peace and calm in this strange world I live in. He even feeds my goats!

Are you able to live together?

Coleen: No. Sometimes, I think we should. An hour later, I will feel palpitations and then say “Maybe not.”

Are you open to marriage?

Coleen: It’s all the time. Coleen: All the time.

Have you met any Loose Women stars?

Michael: Jane [Moore], Ruth (Langsford), Kaye [Adams], Denise (Welch], and Brenda have all been with me.

Coleen: When Brenda first met him, she gave him the third degree.

Last week, there was drama when an article suggested that some of your colleagues believe you are “high and powerful “…”.

Coleen: Unfortunately, my solicitors told me not talk about it. I am taking legal action.

Janet, Stacey, Brenda, Denise and Ruth have all spoken out in your support, but it must have hurt.

Coleen: It really hurt. It was so upsetting. The girls were so supportive. It was so frustrating!

You have previously stated that you are closest to Brendan and Ruth. Is that still true?

Coleen: Janet, Ruth, and Brenda are the ones that I talk to most often. But I love Christine [Lampard]. She said that she thought I was her friend when I left her. I wouldn’t refuse to work for anyone.

Michael, did you feel sorry for Coleen?

Michael: It is really frustrating to watch her explain situations that don’t have anything to do with her.

Coleen: It’s horrendous. [Laughing] This is the first time I have ever seen Michael calm in seven months.

Michael: It’s annoying that you can’t find a more loving person. She is so kind and down-to earth. It’s unbelievable. Loose Women is a great place to work.

Coleen: Coleen, I couldn’t be “high and powerful” because my mother would batter me and jump from her grave. I don’t like divas of any sort. I’ve had enough drama in life. I don’t need more. This is my chance to have fun and not let anyone ruin it. I want to be able to spend my time with Michael and feed my goats.