
A tragic incident occurred in Minnesota where a 3-year-old boy named Covil Allen was attacked by two pit bulls. The family has shared that Covil is not expected to survive, and they are preparing him to be an organ donor. The attack took place in the backyard of a home in Brooklyn Park where dogs were being sold, leading police to believe that the family was there to purchase a dog.

During the attack, adults at the scene used hammers and pick axes to try to fend off the dogs, showcasing the desperate measures taken to save young Covil. Police officers arrived and had to shoot both dogs, resulting in the death of one and the other being taken to a veterinary hospital and euthanized.

In addition to Covil’s injuries, his mother was also bitten on the leg and has undergone multiple surgeries as a result. The community has come together to support the family through an online fundraising campaign to help with the expenses related to this tragic incident.

This unfortunate event has sparked discussions among city leaders and elected officials about dog attacks in the area. Furthermore, an investigation is ongoing into the attack on Covil as well as another incident where a 7-year-old girl was attacked by a loose dog. Fortunately, she did not sustain serious injuries, but officers had to intervene and euthanize the dog when it attempted to attack a boy.

Such incidents highlight the importance of responsible pet ownership and the need for stricter regulations to prevent future attacks. The safety of children and families should always be a top priority, and measures must be taken to ensure that similar incidents are avoided in the future. Our thoughts are with Covil Allen, his family, and all those affected by these tragic events.