Carmen Borrego has been forced to leave Survivors 2024. The television collaborator has been overwhelmed by circumstances, both in terms of the extreme conditions of the island and in her personal life, and has not been able to recover from her problems mental health.

Although Borrego wanted to continue, the decision about his permanence in the contest fell in the hands of the medical team. And the experts have determined that the youngest Campos cannot continue her adventure in Honduras and she must return to Spain as soon as possible.

As Jorge Javier Vázquez has announced, the doctors have considered that Borrego is not mentally prepared to continue in the contest, since her head could not stop thinking about the death of María Teresa Campos, her mother. “She is unable to control the high level of anxiety caused by her possible return to the contest. Since it is a reactive anxiety disorder, she is advised to cease her participation,” the presenter read.

The impact of his mother’s absence on his mood has been a recurring theme during his participation in the contest. Carmen Borrego has experienced moments of deep vulnerability in the program, a reflection of an internal struggle that, despite her efforts, she has not been able to overcome.

“I swear to God, I can’t take it anymore, I’m dying, please, please, I’m begging you… I’m getting on the boat and I’m leaving,” were Borrego’s heartbreaking words before being evacuated from the island. It was from this level of her anguish and desperation that the organization began to consider the possibility, now a reality, of letting go of the great star of publishing.

This decision has made Borrego feel quite bad. Despite having recognized that everything that has been said in the medical statement is true, he leaves with “the regret of not having been able to be a little more” in the reality show, in which he had invested a great effort both on the island like before the contest started. “That in the end everything goes this way causes me pain,” he lamented.