Britney Spears, the pop icon and singer has lost her fight to have her father removed as conservator of her estate. This despite overwhelming public support and a passionate plea to court.

Fox News obtained court documents that state, “The conservator’s request for James P. Spears to be suspended immediately after the appointment of Bessemer Trust Company of California sole conservator of the estate is denied without prejudice.”

Sam Ingham, Spears’ court-appointed attorney, requested that the court replace Jamie Spears by the Bessemer Trust.

According to TMZ Ingham reportedly filed paperwork recently asking for Bessemer to be named co-conservator. However, the outlet claims that Bessemer has yet to file additional paperwork.

Ingham originally filed the motion to dismiss Jamie in late 2013, claiming that Spears was afraid of her father. He resubmitted the motion, which was denied. She also stated that she would not perform again until her father took control of her career.

The star said that her father “loved” the control he had over her due to her “abusive guardianship”. Spears requested that her statements be made to a Los Angeles courtroom so they could be shared with the public.

Spears stated to Judge Brenda Penny, “I shouldn’t be in a conservatorship” It makes no sense.

She claimed that she works hard and has a team of people on her payroll, but is not allowed to manage her own money.

“What state allows people the right to take over another person’s money and accounts and to threaten them by saying, ‘You cannot spend your money unless you do what we want’? She asked the judge. She asked the judge.

Since 2008, Jamie Spears has held control of the $60 million fortune of his daughter. Until 2019, Andrew Wallet was the co-conservator. He resigned in 2019. After a serious medical emergency, Jamie temporarily gave power to Jodi Montgomery, Spear’s care manager.

She also accused her conservators for preventing her removal of a contraceptive device.

She said, “I wanted to remove the [IUD] so I could try to have another child.” “But this so-called team won’t let me go the doctor to remove it because they don’t want me having children – any more.”

She also requested that her conservatorship be ended without a psychiatric evaluation. She claimed that she had already been through such tests several times and that she was sent to “a small rehabilitation program” in Beverly Hills, where she worked “seven days per week” and was not allowed “walk out of the front door.”

Public statements by the “Toxic” singer sparked outrage and support for the #FreeBritney movement. This movement demands that the pop star is released from the conservatorship.

A few stars also spoke out against her treatment, including stars she had previously met like Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera.