The set of Friday! It became a television confessional, where Ángel Cristo Jr revealed secrets that had remained hidden behind the curtains of high society. The interviewee did not disappoint in his third appearance: he shared details about the alleged extortion that his mother, Bárbara Rey, would have carried out on the emeritus king Juan Carlos I, using some intimate photographs that he himself claimed to have taken.

Her son’s statements have made the star very uncomfortable. For weeks she has been suffering in her flesh the sincerity of Christ Jr, which does not leave her in a very good place. Until now she had maintained a passive attitude with which she showed concern for her son, but it seems that the actress has already tired of turning the other cheek towards her.

Aurelio Manzano, collaborator of the Fiesta program, has shared details of a recent telephone conversation with Bárbara Rey, in which she appears firm and determined. Manzano has assured that he has noticed a significant change in the star’s attitude, which has gone from sadness to unwavering firmness.

In her words, Rey feels betrayed and hurt by her son’s accusations, especially because of the comparison with his father and the implications of abuse: “Yesterday was the last straw that broke Barbara’s camel’s back, especially with the statements in which she says that if her father attacked her it is because she drove him crazy.

Therefore, the relationship between mother and son seems to have reached a point of no return and Bárbara Rey would have stated, according to Manzano, that, for her, her son no longer exists. “I don’t recognize my son and as of today my son has died for me,” the Murcian artist reportedly stated.

Furthermore, she would now go on the offensive after having heard her son’s version, which according to her does not correspond to the truth of what happened: “From now on events are going to take a 180 degree turn, if they have to.” go after her son, she will go after her son, she has told me that she is going to go for everything.