Several weeks have passed since the Thai Prosecutor’s Office concluded its report on the crime of Daniel Sancho. Last Monday, the confessed murderer of Edwin Arrieta held a hearing before the judge that was delayed from the end of October due to the absence of a Spanish translator, and in which the accused denied having committed the premeditated murder.

Three months after Daniel entered the Koh Samui prison, the case is at a moment of maximum importance. For this reason, the Telecinco program TardeAR has spoken exclusively with one of the key people in the investigation: Big Joke, the number two in the Thai police and the visible face of the force. The journalist María Miñana has been in charge of interviewing him from the Asian country.

“[Edwin’s] body had clean cuts caused by knives; there is also a cut around the eyebrows, the right eye was damaged by a punch… Daniel admitted that he hit Edwin,” reveals Big Joke, who has been shown forceful in assuring that Daniel’s DNA has been found on Arrieta’s body, and that, therefore, “there is no escape.”

When Sancho was arrested, “he had a cut on the ring finger of his right hand, from the fight,” he said, as well as various abrasion wounds on his arms and fingers. “All this can be used as evidence in court,” said Thailand’s number two police officer. “He immediately admitted that it was he who killed Edwin, and also that he was fighting with him; it was not self-defense,” he continued, this time about the motives for the murder.

Big Joke categorically denies that the police force promised to extradite him to Spain if he confessed to the crime. “If the crime is committed in Thailand, the accused must be tried first in Thailand,” he said, adding later that “the majority of those sentenced to death confess to their crime to reduce their sentence and receive a life sentence” and that , from his point of view, will be there “a long time.”

Finally, he has given his opinion on what he believes the sentence that Daniel Sancho will receive will be. “He will receive a harsh punishment; according to Thai laws, if he continues to deny the crime he will be sentenced to death, and if he confesses in court, his sentence will be reduced to life imprisonment,” he confessed. Finally, Big Joke has sent a harsh message to Rodolfo Sancho’s son: “When he gets out of prison he will be old, but that is the punishment he deserves. He has ruined his life by committing this crime,” he concluded.