Almost three months have passed since Sálvame said goodbye to the Telecinco audience forever. After more than fourteen years at the foot of the canyon in the afternoons of the Fuencarral network, the new management leadership of the audiovisual group decided to finalize one of its most popular spaces.

For this reason, on June 23, one of the most hated and loved formats by thousands of viewers said goodbye. The decision generated a great media storm on social networks and many showed their absolute rejection in the end, while others were in favor. But to the joy of many, the space team announced in its last broadcast that Sálvame would have a second life on Netflix.

The Tele Factory reached an agreement with Netflix for some of its collaborators to embark on a new adventure far from Spain. Eight of the most famous faces of the program traveled to the American continent a few weeks ago to record a reality show in which they would have to find new professional challenges.

Belén Esteban, Lydia Lozano, Chelo García Cortés, María Patiño, Kiko Matamoros, Kiko Hernández, Terelu Campos and Víctor Sandoval will be the protagonists of this new format that will be released next October on the platform.

Little else was known about this new program, except for several previews, which the red giant shared on its social networks. But this Monday we were able to find out from one of its protagonists what the name of this new Netflix reality show will be.

Belén Esteban attended a publicity event for an electricity company this Monday and revealed one of the best kept secrets in space. Every man for himself has been the title chosen by the format team, making a clear reference to the completed Mediaset program.

Furthermore, it was she herself who a few weeks ago revealed to the media that the program was going to premiere in the month of October, pending official confirmation from the American platform. At the moment we know that the format has been recorded between Miami and Mexico City and that it will not leave any of the faithful followers of the mythical space indifferent.