
At 67, Denise Austin Demonstrates Workout to Target ‘Menopause Belly’

Renowned fitness expert Denise Austin, at 67 years old, continues to inspire women of all ages with her latest workout tips. In a recent Instagram video, Austin shared “fun” and effective workout moves specifically designed to target “menopause belly.” The exercises she demonstrated are kickboxing-inspired, combining cardio and core work to help women lose weight and tone their abs.

In the video, Austin showcased two key exercises to help blast away belly fat associated with menopause. The first exercise involves standing with feet shoulder-width apart, fists in front, and performing punching movements to tighten the abs. Austin recommends doing this exercise for one minute to feel the burn in the abdominal area.

The second exercise focuses on cinching the waistline by transitioning into a high lunge position and pulling the back leg up towards the belly while twisting the torso. Austin encourages doing 10 repetitions on each side to target the obliques effectively. Fans praised Austin’s energy and the effectiveness of the exercises, with many expressing their gratitude for her ongoing commitment to helping women stay healthy and fit.

In addition to the kickboxing-inspired moves, Austin recently shared another menopausal belly exercise called the “wood chop,” which targets the entire core. She understands the challenges of dealing with stubborn belly fat during menopause and emphasizes the importance of a well-rounded exercise program combined with a nutritious diet for overall weight loss and toning.

For those seeking more effective workouts, following Denise Austin’s fitness tips can be a great way to stay on top of your health and fitness goals. Stay tuned for more inspiring workout routines from this fitness icon.

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