Ana Terradillos has spent more than half a year directing La Mirada Crítica, a program that addresses aspects related to the world of both national and international politics. This space, which occupies the slot from 9 to 10:30 in the morning on Telecinco, has thus replaced what was previously the beginning of The AR program. And, with the passage of time, the presenter has managed to feel comfortable speaking openly about the topics discussed.

During Wednesday morning, the issue that took center stage was the confrontation between Pedro Sánchez and Javier Milei, which arose after the words of the president of Argentina towards the wife of the president of the Spanish Government. Given this, Terradillos did not want to hold back and gave his point of view.

Inocencio Arias, a well-known diplomat who recurs on the program, has put on the table the possibility of both political leaders asking each other for forgiveness to fix relations between Spain and Argentina. Something with which the presenter has agreed. “Of course, what you are saying makes a lot of common sense and it seems that everything could be resolved that way,” she stated.

However, he doesn’t think it’s possible. “But what we are seeing in the last few hours is very far from what you are reporting, because it seems, and excuse me for what I say, but it seems like a testosterone fight between two leaders,” Terradillos stated.

A few seconds later, and after receiving a “very well defined” statement from the diplomat, the presenter wanted to qualify her words. “I may have gone away a little bit. I wanted to say it colloquially, but, I’m really saying, this seems like a testosterone duel,” she continued.

But that is not all. He also wanted to make it clear that, in his opinion, “this does not happen if there is a woman.” “Hey, we already have viral,” she added. And, in this case, Inocencio Arias has not followed the same line: “We could think that it could happen with several women. I have some in my head, although I am not going to mention them.”

Once this live connection ended, Ana Terradillos connected minutes later with Leo Bilanski, an Argentine businessman, and repeated her words again. After saying that Spain occupies second place in investments abroad, the presenter has once again described everything as a “testosterone duel”.

“Because in the end what there is is a lot of money at stake, which affects foreign investments,” he added forcefully. If something has become clear over time, it is that the journalist is not willing to keep quiet about anything she thinks. Although it is possible that this strong attitude is due to the latest news that suggests that Ana Rosa Quintana could take away her position on the program. Something that they have already taken care of denying, but that is still up in the air.