A few days ago, the Poor Clares of Belorado (Burgos) and Orduña (Vizcaya) caused controversy by announcing that they had officially abandoned the Catholic Church. As they explained in a statement, they made this decision due to the ”persecution” they had suffered from the ecclesiastical community of Rome after ”rejecting” their request to sell a convent they owned in Derio (Vizcaya).

After failing to reach an agreement, the nuns announced that, as of Monday, they are under the tutelage and jurisdiction of Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco and his so-called Pía Unión Sancti Pauli Apostoli, an entity whose founder was excommunicated in 2019 for incurring ”crime of schism”.

”We are in the San Damián inn, in the convent of Santa Clara de Belorado, our home. We are fine, our reality is not that we are kidnapped far from our families (…) We will share our experience with you. (…) We are not leaving the Church, we will explain it to you, so those of you who are worried, be patient as we will explain it,” the nuns explained through social networks.

The topic has given rise to a lot of talk in our country and different television programs and media in general have echoed the news with interviews with people close to the nuns.

The La Sexta Aruser@s program has also addressed the issue on its timeline. The space presented by Alfonso Arús has given visibility to the fact that many think that the nuns have been manipulated and his collaborators have explained that the Vatican has placed its trust in the bishops of Burgos. Church officials have advised the sisters to think carefully before leaving the Church permanently, but they seem to be convinced.

The presenter has given his opinion on the subject and has declared that today, because it is Friday, there will be surprises: ”The reality show is at a very critical point and since they know that on Fridays it is always a good idea to leave things high, I think Today they are going to bring us some surprises.” ”Yes, today we have two chapters,” added Angie Cárdenas, smiling.

Although we are used to always seeing the same type of content in current affairs programs, the topic of the nuns has surprised the audience and has attracted the attention of thousands of viewers for its original plot and script twists.

”There is no one who will miss this,” commented the host of Aruser@s after joking about whether a special should be made in prime time due to the great media interest that the case is arousing.