This afternoon, Alba Carrillo visited ‘El Cazador Stars’. Recognized as a model, writer and Spanish television presenter, Alba catapulted to fame after her stint on Supermodel, establishing herself as the image for important fashion brands. In her recent participation in the program, Alba made it clear that no challenge is out of reach for her.

One of the tests consisted of a complex mathematical operation: “Add the a’s of ‘abracadabra’ and ‘Cha-tatachán’ to the letters of Tamariz, subtract 11 and it gives you the number of letters in the word…” The options were Illusion , Magic or Fun.

Alba explained her reasoning: “I started watching ‘abracadabra’, ‘chan-tatachán’ and ‘tamariz’ and I said: ‘This is magic.’ Because there are no numbers, I have nothing to add there. What sum? What are you adding?” Rodrigo Vázquez, the presenter, tried to explain it to her, but she still did not understand what mathematical operation she had to perform. Finally, the answer B) Magic was correct. “Well, she’s already there,” Alba concluded. “I have not thought about adding or subtracting, but about relating everything that talks about magic,” she justified.

In another round, Alba Carrillo faced the question: “An amanuensis is a person who has a job. What job does he have? The options were writing, cooking or massaging. Alba chose to write, and indeed, that was the correct answer. “I write ‘amanuensis,’” the model considered before choosing the correct option.

Another notable moment was when Miki Nadal, another of the opponents, urged Alba to up the ante, prompting him to comment: “This guy wants to send me home. Hey, I’m not that blonde”, a bit of a cliché. Alba also stood out for wearing a Buddhist rosary as an amulet and facing a blackout on the set during her first challenge, ending up lying on the floor due to exhaustion.

In a memorable episode last year, Alba Carrillo shone with her own light on the set of ‘El Cazador’. During a round of play, Rodrigo Vázquez surprised Alba with exciting news: “You turned in the best performance of the night! Your son will be delighted, you just won nine thousand euros.” Her skill and determination brought her prize to an impressive figure of 84,000 euros, which she fought fervently to achieve in the final phase of the competition.

In the Final Hunt, Alba, along with Jorge Sanz, demonstrated their dominance by achieving 21 hits, securing the coveted prize just when hunter Paz Herrera was two questions away from reaching them. This achievement was not only a testament to Alba’s skill at the game, but also his ability to overcome challenges and achieve success.