One more night, the most popular dating space on the small screen, First Dates, broadcast a new program full of dates between different diners. The Cuatro format presented by Carlos Sobera and Laura Boado welcomed several single couples, who appeared on the program with the hope of finding someone to share their life with.

One of the dates of the night was the one starring Alfredo and Sandra. The 55-year-old bachelor entered the restaurant with crutches, since he had had a small accident with his motorcycle. And the bachelor confessed that one of his great passions was motorcycles. ”It changes your life, the world opens up to me every time I ride,” he declared. He wanted to meet a woman to share hugs and smiles, since she had been alone for a long time.

His date was going to be Sandra, a 50-year-old canine psychologist, who liked to “live her way, without hurting anyone.” In addition, the single woman confessed her great passion for motorcycles, since her family had always been bikers. But since she lived in a town in Cáceres, the single woman had to change her motorcycle for a van so that everything would be much more practical.

”I liked it because it is different from the rest of the people. “She is authentic,” Alfredo confessed as soon as he met Sandra. ”The first impression was that of a total biker, which I love. He looks like a big guy, I like that,” she said. Furthermore, the singles were pleasantly surprised when Sandra confessed to being a biker. ”Are you a biker? Don’t tell me yes? Do you know how difficult it is to find someone like that?” commented the bachelor with a big smile on his face.

Suddenly, Carlos Sobera appeared on stage to accompany the couple to their table, where the evening was going to begin. Once seated, the singles caught up on their lives. Alfredo confessed that he had been living alone for years because he had spent much of his life immersed in projects. A feeling that he shared with Sandra, who had not had luck with his professional projects. ”I’m living day to day with what I get. “I don’t have a good job that gives me money,” he stressed.

The date progressed and the singles seemed to be understanding each other wonderfully. ”He has had bad luck, he told me that he has had bad luck with people, with vehicles,” he commented. But the first difference between the couple appeared when the single woman confessed that she loved to drive and that the freedom that a car or a van can give her could not be given by a motorcycle. ”With the motorcycle you have to have money,” she said. Something that Alfredo did not agree with. ”I sleep under a pine tree if necessary. I don’t want a roof, I need to live and feel,” he responded.

In the final stretch of the dinner, the singles opened up about their previous relationships. Sandra claimed that she had not been lucky in love. ”I have learned that you cannot give everything in love because afterwards you suffer a lot,” she said. In addition, the single woman confessed that she was a country woman and that she was not willing to live in a city again because large crowds bothered her. ”You have everything very clear,” Alfredo responded. In the final decision, Sandra confessed that she was willing to continue getting to know Alfredo, but the bachelor rejected the single woman due to her great differences when it came to dealing with her daily life.