First Dates has become the perfect place for two destined soulmates to meet. For this reason, viewers enjoy a wide variety of dates every day between different diners, who come to Cuatro’s space with the hope of going out accompanied by Carlos Sobera’s program. But many times the participants achieve completely opposite results.

Something that Jesús, a 32-year-old nursing assistant from Asturias, experienced firsthand, who claimed that what he liked most about his physique was his butt and his eyes. The bachelor had been living in the United Kingdom for four years and since then he had not found anyone who fit his tastes and needs. ”I have a fairly changeable character (…) I can go two weeks without speaking to you,” he confessed.

Her date was going to be Raúl, a 31-year-old geriatric assistant, who arrived at the restaurant showing off his hair. The first impression among the singles was very mixed. While Raúl was delighted with his appointment, Jesús was tremendously disappointed. ”It looks like David Bisbal,” he commented, laughing. ”Very handsome, I liked him,” declared Raúl.

After exchanging their first words, the presenter accompanied the couple to the table, where the evening was to begin. Once there, Raúl decided not to waste time and complimented his date. ”You have very pretty eyes,” said the bachelor. ”Thank you very much, what happens is that people tell me that I look stoned because my pupil is very large. It’s a problem I have called megalocornea,” Jesús explained.

The date progressed and the singles seemed comfortable when it came to talking about certain delicate topics. At one point, Jesus asked him if he had had many sexual relationships with different people. ”The thing is that when I was little I was chubbier and when I lost weight I went from not flirting at all to flirting a lot. So from 18 to 24 years old I slept with half of Spain,’ he confessed.

”I did it with my ex-partner eight times a day,” Raúl assured before the attentive gaze of Jesús, who could not believe what he was hearing. ”It doesn’t work out for me, it’s impossible,” Jesús stressed.

But the good atmosphere among the singles disappeared when Raúl commented again on the beautiful eyes that Jesús had. ”I’m not used to compliments. You’re going too fast and you’re sneaking in, stop for a moment, please,” the bachelor asserted. ”You can be honest with people, but when you insist so much… it overwhelms me,” he added.

In the final stretch of the evening, the singles moved to the program booth, where they let their feelings flow by kissing passionately. ”That close physical contact on the first date…it doesn’t work with me. Furthermore, Raúl continued to praise the physical aspect of his date and Jesús seemed increasingly saturated. ”You’re overwhelming me, man,” he said. Therefore, in the final decision and to Raúl’s surprise, Jesús decided to leave the program alone.