Many prominent Republican legislators and conservative voices believe that the recent recall election in San Francisco is a precursor for massive GOP gains in Congress.

Virginia Foxx (Republican from North Carolina), House Education and Labor Committee Ranking Member, said Wednesday to Fox News Digital that there is “a lot blood in the political waters, and Democrats don’t run for the hills anymore – they are sprinting.”

Foxx stated, “You don’t have to read tea leaves to understand what’s going on across the country. It’s obvious to everyone.” “Democrats are in trouble because they have ignored parents. Another loss for Democrats is the recall election in San Francisco School Board. It won’t be the last one we hear about over the next days, weeks, and months.

Foxx stated, “A red wave is coming. It will be the coup de grace for the entire Democrat agenda.”

Elise Stefanik, Chair of the House Republican Conference in New York, stated Wednesday that “Republicans are committed… to standing up for parents/students.” Fox News Digital was informed by Stefanik. “This winning message resonates with families across America, even in San Francisco’s far-left.”

“The recall of three members on the San Francisco school board who put their radical leftist priorities above prioritizing students should be a warning to families that far-left control has become too much in classrooms.”

In an email, Rep. Jim Banks (Republican from Indiana) stated that the recall election was the latest example of parents resisting the progressive left.

“From Northeast Indiana, to Nancy Pelosi’s backyard in San Francisco – we are seeing parents across America reject the radical left’s support for school closures and wakeness in the classroom,” Banks, who is a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, stated on Wednesday.

Banks said, “This should be an important wake-up call to Democrats, but it will not be.” “Just like I wrote to my colleagues after Glenn Youngkin’s impressive win last fall, Republicans have an responsibility to be a voice for frustrated parents from all political backgrounds.

Last year, Banks published a memo that addressed the GOP’s potential to engage in culture wars during conversations about critical race theory.

“Lean into culture war. Banks wrote that the backlash against critical-race theory is real. We are starting to see a natural movement of parents in areas like Loudon County (Virginia), Pelham, New York, South Lake, Texas, and Bloomington, Illinois who are tired of the lessons being taught to their children. As House conservatives, it is our duty to send a message to parents concerned about the lessons their children are being taught.

Foxx’s colleague, Rep. Julia Letlow (Republican from Louisiana), told Fox News Digital that parents all over the country, “from Virginia to San Francisco have sent the message that their children’s education is important to them.

Letlow said, “As Republicans we’re fighting for families to be never pushed out the learning process because at the end the day, these children are ours and not the government’s.”

Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett stated to Fox News Digital that far left school boards “robbing America’s kids of a quality education.” “The hysteria at schools across the country and in San Francisco must end. It is time for parents to take back their schools.

Rep. James Comer (Republican from Kentucky) told Fox News Digital that fed-up parents started the 2022 election cycle in San Francisco by firing school board members who prioritised teacher unions and school closures over education.

Comer said, “I expect voters to make a similar judgement in November against politicians that have fought for schools to be closed and children masked.”

Republican political groups also voiced their opinions on the red wave rumblings after the San Francisco recall election. A Republican National Committee (RNC spokesman Nathan Brand stated that parents are speaking out from “Virginia” to San Francisco.

Brand said, “Democrats are losing because they put special interests and woke garbage, closures of schools, and forced masking ahead students.” “Republicans understand that parents have a voice in education.

“Last night’s decisive results at the San Francisco school board elections prove that Asian American families reject Democrat’s radical agenda of school closings, forced masking, and renaming schools in order to appease woke activists,” Nainoa JOHSENS, RNC Director for Asian Pacific American Media, stated in a statement.

“Just as in Virginia’s gubernatorial elections, Asian parents in San Francisco stood against Democrat politicians who placed radical ideology and scoring political points before their children. Democrats are showing that they are outof touch even in deep blue San Francisco.

Brand also referred to Ronna McDaniel, RNC chairwoman,’s tweet that the recall election results “proved parents reject the Democrat Agenda of School Closures, Forced Masking and Renaming Schools to Appease Far-LeftActivists”

Mike Berg, spokesperson for the National Republican Congressional Committee, warned Democrats that the midterms were coming and that Democrats have a choice: “Retire or lose.”

Three members of the San Francisco School Board were removed from their positions to make way for red wave predictions.

Jonathan Butcher, the Heritage Foundation’s Will Skillman Fellow for Education, stated to Fox News Digital that the recall was part of a larger national trend.

“San Francisco’s school boards have made some radical decisions including the removal of Abraham Lincoln from a school’s name. Butcher stated that voters overwhelmingly rejected the decision. This recall is part a nationwide trend. In June last year, more than twice as many school board recalls were initiated by concerned voters and parents in the United States.

“So long that interest groups and policymakers dismiss parents, or treat them like a threat,” parents and voters will respond by acting in their best interests.

Zack Roday, a veteran Virginia GOP strategist and senior advisor to N2 America, stated that parents have the receipts for anti-science and anti–kid crowds. “Teacher union-controlled politicians will continue being held responsible by the long memories of fed up parents.”

Critics, including San Francisco Mayor London Breed argued that the school board members — President Gabriela Lopez and Vice President Faauuga Molliga, as well as Commissioner Alison Collins — promoted progressive politics over acting in the best interests of children during the pandemic. Voters agreed with this, according to the San Francisco Department of Elections.

The recall effort caused division in San Francisco, which is one of the most liberal cities in the country. Fox News polling also showed concern among parents about what is being taught at schools.

The mayor is now in charge of appointing new board members until the November election. He also thanked the parents for their efforts.