the CDU and the SPD, have reached an agreement after months-long dispute to a faster green energy expansion. The Deputy group heads of Carsten Linnemann (Union) and Matthias Miersch (SPD) announced in a joint statement. This is mainly to special tenders for wind turbines on Land and solar plants.

Specifically, there should be a gradual increase of wind power and photovoltaics. 2019 will be a Gigawatt-built-in, in 2020, 1.4 gigawatts and 2021 1.6 gigawatts, according to a white paper. A part of the already provided for, General tenders for new plants, to promote as so-called innovation tender the competition in the green energy industry. This includes, among other things, that the electricity producers receive no remuneration, if the power supply is too large. You also need to take into account the capacity of the networks.

In the coalition agreement was still envisaged, in 2019 and 2020, respectively, two gigawatts of wind energy on Land and as much as photovoltaic to expand, under the condition that the electricity networks recording be able. However, the Expansion of the networks increases. With shortages of deal is expensive. The Union also pointed to resistance in Parts of the population against new wind turbines. On the question of the acceptance of the coalition wants to set up a working group. You will deal, among other things, whether there should be for the States of binding distance regulations and height limits for wind turbines. Results should be available by the end of March 2019.

reduce The faster green electricity capacity additions to lead to the expected gap in meeting the national climate target for 2020. This is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 by 40 percent compared to 1990. It is as to achieve. The share of electricity produced in Germany is currently around 36 per cent, by 2030, the Grand coalition is aiming for a share of 65 per cent on power consumption.