So you have decided to relocate to France, either for personal choices or business reasons, and you have children that need both a primary and secondary education. What are your options if your children have been educated in the British or American education system and do not currently speak French?

Actually, while there are quite a few options, we will focus on International Schools in Paris. This is because that is where most of the international schools are located in France. An international school does not necessarily follow the French academic path from elementary to high school and teaches in both English and French.

This is a positive thing for your children as they will still be taught in their native English, but not isolated from the French language or culture. This actually could provide the best of both cultures to your children. It can be a gift you have provided for your children that will bless them well into their adult years.

Of course, this comes with a price. They are not inexpensive and maybe should be part of the consideration of expenses and income discussions before you move to France. If your children are under 8 years of age, they may not need the international schools in Paris as they will most likely adapt to the French language.

In addition, international schools in Paris will insist on certain levels of achievement before even being considered for entrance. It will be incumbent upon you to make sure that all the reports, documents,and verification needed are met. This may be something to consider before you make that move to France. 

If your children are older and have been taught in English only schools, then seeking out the best international schools in Paris is a must! The other thing to consider is that most of the international schools can provide education up to age 19 with an international baccalaureate. This will be most helpful in making sure your child is well educated in a global economy.

We understand that each family and their circumstance are unique, ranging from the size of family, how long will you be living in France, how much income you have towards your children’s primary education. These and a myriad of other issues can face foreigners moving to France.

With that in mind, we just wanted to at least give you a few things to understand and have provided a few links below to further your research on the subject. In this case, as a family, you will need to look (research) before you leap (actually move there) to determine if this is the best move for you and your family.