A path of civic education for real, a journey together through the recent history and the painful Years of the Seventies to study the phenomenon of terrorism. Guide a group of judges selected by the Foundation that bears the name of one of them, who fell to the hands of the terrorists of the extreme right in 1976, Vittorio Occorsio.


For this first school year, the project which is called “The Justice shall adopt the school” will involve 40 educational Institutions, and the adoption of a class by a judge, who will lead students on a path of knowledge and the preservation of the memory of the Seventies. The initiative consists of a series of meetings on a particular story linked to terrorism, which is chosen by the magistrate “tutor” with the teachers. Students will be also followed by a group of young historians, who can provide their material (thanks to the participation of the Teche Rai) and scientific support. The meetings of the magistrates, the tutor will also meetings with the testimonial. “Thank you very much the Foundation and the family Occorsio for this initiative.

“The painful memory”

“our schools need to be accompanied, in particular, on the land so inaccessible as that of memory”, as the Minister of Education Patrick White, who spoke with a video message at the opening of the project. With reference to the initiative, the Minister explained that the history of the Seventies “for many of us, it’s a painful memory. But it should be told as the story of a Country which has managed to react, it is able to transform the sacrifice of many men of the State in a lesson of collective life, in an extraordinary lesson in civic Education”. The President of the Fondazione Vittorio Occorsio, Eugenio Occorsio, said: “We take an example from the past in order to face the challenges of today and tomorrow. The magistrates, who, along with the other forces of the Country kept in the Seventies, the seal of the democratic State, will now lead the class in a path of knowledge and deeper understanding”. John Salvi, the Prosecutor General of the Court of appeal and President of the scientific Committee of the Fondazione Vittorio Occorsio, he added .”You can, with this project, to get a deeper understanding of what is not allowed from a simple meeting of the block. A true adoption in the study of topics that have been so far outside of the school curricula. This first phase is experimental and the hope is that students arrive ideas to improve, given that next year the project will be proposed to all of the Italian schools”.