Writing is a trade that is learned by writing. And if you who are reading this text, want to become a writing authority and a great entrepreneur do not forget that to achieve this it is recommended, among other things, to read a lot, improve your creativity, become familiar with new vocabulary and work on your grammar and, of course, in your spelling.

One of the most famous phrases of the Nobel Prize for Literature winner Gabriel García Márquez, is that “if you are going to be a writer, you must be one of the greats”. That’s why we want to give you a couple of tips that will surely become tools that will help you improve your writing in your life as an entrepreneur.

Drawing inspiration from new experiences

Take your notebook everywhere and make a list of ideas that come to mind. Dare to think differently and to be original. Surround yourself with creative people who can provide innovative ideas and feature it all in your writing. Take breaks in quiet places, like in parks, in front of a lake or on the top of a mountain. Inspiration will come to your mind and you will begin to write in seconds. Read new books, visit art exhibitions or corporate events you have never seen or been to before and watch movies of genres that do not appeal to you so much. Your brain will accept these new elements and start working on the writing process.

Break the rules and dare to write in another way

Writing is an art, just like playing an instrument. That’s why you should spend time and practice daily. Only then can you get close to the result you’re looking for. Remember what writer Cheryl Strayed said: “Writing is complicated for everyone who tries; digging for coal is also difficult. Do you think the miners spend the day chatting about how hard it is to find coal? They just do it.” The courage to develop your own writing style and roll with it without doubts is a very crucial skill in an environment as competitive as the one entrepreneur face.

Persuasive writing

Written communication continues to be important when it comes to highlighting leadership and skills to inspire people to take action. Without persuasive writing skills, you will not stand out from other skilled professionals. In addition, you need excellent writing skills to efficiently use email marketing, your website, your social networks and to develop commercial proposals.

Being familiar with the writing topic

The expert academic writers say that before starting the writing process, it is important to research your topic of choice and find what connects you to it, your personal style as an entrepreneur. Remember that, as stated by Malcolm Cowley, “the beginning of any great story is to introduce a simple and novel element in an existing situation.” Thus you need to read a lot and daily. Only then will you know the different styles of the great authors. If you think you do not have time to read, you will not have the time or the tools to write.

Write about something that you can relate to, and you’re passionate about. Choose a theme that is curious not only for others, but for you. If you can’t related to the topic initially, investigate, there are thousands of resources full of information. Do not forget that without valuable data, the texts lose importance and strength. Remember that perseverance makes a difference. Participate in conferences and meetings where you can exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs. The experience of others is always an important factor. Write a lot and show your creations to others. Opinions and criticisms help in the process. Focus 100% of your attention on grammar and spelling.

Not being deterred by obstacles

Remember also that in the middle of this process there are obstacles that make it difficult to reach the goal that you established when you began to write as an entrepreneur. One of the most important writing skills an entrepreneur can have is not being swayed by obstacles that are bound to show up. That is precisely what you should keep in mind, if in the first attempt things did not go as planned.

Citing correctly

One very crucial skill while writing as an entrepreneur is to always include citation when you’re taking your information from other sources. It’s only natural to depend on other people’s work and research and knowing when to reference their work and give credit where credit is due correctly is a skill many entrepreneurs lack.

Writing skills for an entrepreneur are some of the most important tools to help them capitalize on business opportunities and when used correctly, will manage to seal more deals than you can imagine.