American students need help with college-level writing. This might seem obvious, but it still comes as a surprise to many college and university instructors, who are astonished by the lack of writing skills that secondary schools are providing to their students. But colleges and universities are overwhelmed trying to provide students with the writing assistance that they need, and in many cases, it becomes almost impossible to meet the demand with the time, quality, and support needed to teach appropriate writing skills. Many students therefore turn to essay writing services to help make up the difference between where there skills currently are and where they need to be.

Unfortunately, most students who turn to writing services choose the cheapest service rather than the one that provides the best quality for the money, and that can lead to potentially devastating consequences, including plagiarism, erroneous information, and just plain bad writing.

As with any product or service, balancing price against quality is important, and the cheapest option isn’t always the best. But why do students choose cheap essay writing services when those that are affordable but not necessarily the cheapest offer a greatly enhanced service and a much better-quality product?

There are five reasons behind the drive for the cheapest essay writing services.

  1. College students don’t have money. It may seem obvious, but one of the most important reasons students choose the cheapest service is that they lack money. College students often have very tight budgets, and they don’t always have the disposable income needed to hire great writers to produce high quality papers. On the other hand, spending a little more for a quality paper now can avoid a student having to repeat a course and pay tuition for it a second time, a significantly more costly outcome.

  2. Students may not recognize the difference. In the age of the internet, anyone can have a website, so every web-based writing supplier basically looks the same. It can be difficult to distinguish between high and low-quality writing providers when there is only a homepage to judge by. That leaves price as the only real distinguishing point between sites. Students would do well to research the companies providing their writing services to discover those that better serve their clients with high quality writing.

  3. Students don’t think it matters. For a significant number of students, writing isn’t something they consider terribly important. As a result, it does not occur to them that different price points will produce different quality papers. Since students who are already weak in writing tend to think of all writing as the same, they expect that every paper will come out at the same quality level, no matter the price point. However, great writers need to be compensated for their time, so they are unlikely to work for the lowest possible prices.

  4. Students are looking for speed along with price. Ultra-cheap essay services often promise unrealistically fast turnaround times because they are taking shortcuts that compromise quality. Students who select these services are often facing down tight deadlines themselves and are looking for services that promise high quality results in mere hours. As a general rule, if services seem to be charging too little to produce a paper on a tight deadline, they are not providing the kind of high quality work you need.

  5. Students with weak writing skills don’t see the warning signs. Many students who are not strong writers of English have trouble recognizing the signs that an ultra-low-priced writing service might not produce quality work, such as misspelled words, ungrammatical constructions, or confusing or unclear language. If a website can’t advertise its own services with good writing, why trust it with your paper?

The cheapest writing services on the internet are often dangerous traps for students who genuinely need help. The good news is that there are a number of terrific affordable writing services that have high quality and a great reputation. It’s important for students to do a little research and look for inexpensive writing services with a good track record. Generally speaking, if they are charging so little that you can’t imagine anyone would work for that price, the quality is not likely to be the best. Always ask yourself: Would it be worth it to a writer to actually write the paper for you are paying?