
Unknown stranger appeared out of the darkness on a Scottish island. She knew she...

Skara Brae was a prehistoric stone settlement on the Orkney Islands. It is an archipelago at the northernmost tip of Scotland.One figure...

Singapore Airlines has plans to have a fully-vaccinated crew

Singapore's national carrier hopes to be the first airline in the world to have all its crew members vaccinated for Covid-19.CNN Travel...

China launches a prototype 620 kph train

China revealed a prototype of a high-speed Maglev train capable of traveling at speeds of 620 km (385 miles per hour).High-temperature superconducting...

Covid-19: The essential information you need to travel to Japan

Here's everything you need to know if you plan to travel to Japan during the Covid-19 pandemic.The basicsJapan is making progress...

This plastic bag substitute could be a good option for Nara's sacred deer

To protect the sacred deer of Nara, a local entrepreneur has created a better alternative to plastic shopping bags.Hidetoshi Mattsukawa works as...

Putin gets what he did not want: Ukraine's army closer to the West

The list of arms that flow to Ukraine is growing and long. It includes the latest American battlefield aerial drones, the most advanced U.S....

Russia slaps eastern Ukraine with new arms, West promises Kyiv

Two explosions rocked Trans-Dniester, a separatist region in Moldova, for the second consecutive day. They knocked out two radio antennas near the Ukrainian border,...

US commission: Cite Afghanistan for religious persecution

In its annual report, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom stated Monday that religious minorities had been subject to harassment, detention, and even...

Russia warns that Ukraine could be at the brink of nuclear war if the...

This "shouldn't be underestimated." Sergey Lavrov stated that NATO countries were "pouring fuel on the fire" and putting at risk "World War III" by providing...

Zelenskyy urges for more arms for Ukraine in advance of meeting with high-ranking U.S....

Russian forces focused their attacks on the east, trying to dislodge any remaining Ukrainian troops in the battered port town of Mariupol.President Volodymyr Zilenskyy...

Macron and Le Pen clash in French presidential election, as voters head to the...

The centrist Macron wants voters to trust him for another five-year term, despite a president plagued by protests and the pandemic in Ukraine. Macron's victory...

At least 6 civilians were killed in blasts that targeted Kabul's schools, Afghanistan.

According to Khalid Zadran, a Kabul police spokesperson, and the emergency hospital, more casualties are being feared. Many of the injured were in critical...

Two British soldiers captured fighting in Ukraine appeal for Russian prisoner swap

Rossia 1 and RT channel broadcast several propaganda clips on Sunday and Monday. They featured U.K citizens Shaun Pinner (48) and Aiden Aslin (28)....

Taiwan TV station apologizes for claiming that China invaded Taiwan

The 23 million Taiwanese living in Taiwan are constantly under threat from an invasion by China. China considers Taiwan as part of its territory...

Ukrainian commander in Mariupol appeals for help: "We probably face our last days, or...

On Wednesday, Russia launched military attacks against Ukrainian cities and towns to try to divide the country and seize control of the eastern industrial...

Russia crackdown forces thousands to flee, news outlets report: "I'm a Refugee Again"

A mother and her children managed to flee to San Francisco citing fear of persecution."I was very angry that I had been forced to...

Hungary's Orban meets the pope, with the backdrop of the Ukraine war

Although the 45-minute meeting was only Francis' second in less than a decade, it was remarkably different in tone. The pope stopped briefly in...

Nicaragua tightens grips on universities to suppress dissent

This is four years after students protested against Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua's President.Students who took part in the protests of April 2018 saw their education...

Rights group demands investigation into Sri Lankan police shootings

The incident occurred during protests against Sri Lanka's worst economic crisis since decades.Human Rights Watch, based in New York, requested that the government investigate...

China's Xi calls for talks to resolve disputes and opposes the use of sanctions

Xi's comments confirm that China will not criticize Russia for its invasion of Ukraine despite it's impact on the Ukrainian population as well as...




Trump UFO Files: Will Debate Include Questions on UAP?

Former President Trump recently revealed that he possesses UFO files, sparking curiosity about whether he would make them public. This revelation has led to...