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The 7 news you need to know this Friday morning, January 12

Hello good morning!Pedro Sánchez has carried out almost all the measures that he brought to Congress on Wednesday. However, our chroniclers say, even in...

Facebook and Google should pay up to $14 billion to the media

A study estimates that Facebook and Google must pay publishers for the use of their news content between $11.9 billion and $13.9 billion a...

A 13-year-old girl dies from possible gas poisoning in her cave house in Benalúa

A thirteen-year-old minor died this Thursday after suffering possible gas poisoning while she was sleeping in her home in Benalúa (Granada). The girl was...

Homeschooling: Is home education an alternative to avoid school failure?

The results of the latest Pisa report, especially in Catalonia, have generated a great debate about the situation of the public education system in...

They discover a complex society that prospered in the Amazon 2,500 years ago

The vegetation of the Amazon hides the remains of an extremely complex urban fabric east of Ecuador, which the natives began to build 2,500...

Flu and covid: Do I take paracetamol or ibuprofen? And the flu medicines and...

The wave of respiratory viruses continues to skyrocket, flu cases have doubled in a week. Since January 1 alone, Primary Care Centers have diagnosed...

FP is unstoppable: it will increase in all professional sectors in the next 10...

These are good times for Vocational Training in Spain, since to its established present is added a very promising future that leaves these studies...

The 7 news you need to know this Thursday morning, January 11

Hello good morning!Seven deputies from Junts and five from Podemos yesterday put their partisan interests first to stop measures that favor the common good,...

The Ombudsman asks to welcome foreign students with a "non-racist" perspective

The Ombudsman of Greuges, Esther Giménez-Salinas, has highlighted that school segregation is based on racism, a racism that exists in society and that reproduces...

The 7 news you need to know this Wednesday morning, January 10

Hello good morning!The climate crisis gives no respite. Last year was the hottest since 1850. World leaders announce remedies that are not enough. The...

A code to hunt the murderer

This text belongs to 'Dossier Negro', a newsletter inspired by the podcast of the same name, which Enrique Figueredo will send on Wednesdays on...

A Spaniard reaches 500 blood donations, a unique figure in Europe

Francisco del Amo Zarzo, a Spanish citizen who has lived in Burgos for decades, made his 500th blood donation this Tuesday, establishing a record...

More than 70,000 patients will need to receive blood in Catalonia during 2024

This 2024, more than 70,000 people admitted to hospital centers in Catalonia will need some transfusion of blood, plasma or platelets from blood donation....

The mask is once again mandatory in health centers in Catalonia for the next...

The mask will once again be mandatory in health centers and services in Catalonia for the next 15 days after the Official Gazette of...

The Government approves the group of experts that will propose improvements in education

This morning the Government approved the names of the 18 members who will make up the group of experts who will propose measures to...

The Mossos suspect that Horta's father killed his children and committed suicide

The 53-year-old man who was found dead on Monday afternoon along with his seven- and 10-year-old children in his rented apartment in Horta, Barcelona,...

Arrested for biting a taxi driver after refusing to pay the 225 euros for...

The Mossos d'Esquadra have arrested a middle-aged man accused of biting a taxi driver on the hand after making a trip from Barcelona to...

The 7 news you need to know this Tuesday, January 9, morning

Hello good morning!Spain, France and Germany saw yesterday how difficult it is to govern. German farmers occupied Berlin, Macron sacrificed his prime minister and...

They ask the organizers of a Romeo Santos concert in Palma for 17 years...

The Second Section of the Provincial Court of the Balearic Islands is holding this Tuesday (9:15 a.m.) the pre-trial hearing against the organizers of...

The good Catalan from the 'Filipino school' of Barcelona

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of Plaza Universitat, some children, dressed in uniform, go unnoticed as they enter an old building...

Health gives 48 hours to communities to decide whether to force the use of...

There has been no agreement, at least for the moment, on whether the mandatory use of the mask is agreed throughout the territory to...

The 7 news you need to know this Monday morning, January 8

Hello good morning!As Robert Oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb, knew well, the future has a price that we are not always willing to...

Spain accepts Kosovo's passport, but will continue not to recognize its independence

Spain has not been the exception and since January 1, Kosovars can enter all of the 27 countries that make up the Schengen free...

Snow affects traffic on 52 roads and a section of the A-67 in Cantabria

Snow and ice affect circulation on 52 roads this Sunday at noon, most of the secondary network, and the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT)...

Russell Baker: the “look” of a reporter, chronicler and “observer”

Let's say that he was a goose, friendly and witty, something that in La Vanguardia we would call a "viewer" and that in The...

Desires and challenges of entities and communities linked to the Church for 2024

In October, many eyes will be focused on the second part of the Synod, the Church's roadmap in which aspects such as the participation...

Health alert due to the presence of sildenafil in a food supplement from Amazon

The Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (Aesan) has activated an alert for the presence of sildenafil in a ginger-based food supplement from...

Mourning in Basque football for the death of a 12-year-old boy just before going...

Basque football is mourning the death of Urko Pikabea, a 12-year-old boy who died this Tuesday in Orio (Guipúzcoa) suddenly at his home just...

They deliver a wallet with several tenths, one of them a prize, and the...

Two people found a wallet on the street in Valladolid with several lottery tickets and handed it over to the National Police, who located...

The Mossos are working against time to stop the spread of the video of...

The Mossos d'Esquadra yesterday received a complaint from the lawyer of the woman who accuses Dani Alves of rape due to the dissemination on...