
Scott Peterson's new trial focuses on "Strawberry Shortcake"

Scott Peterson, the murderer of his wife and unborn child 20 years ago is being tried again in a new trial. It all depends...

Social media: Feds put out the firestorm with social media

As outrage from the right, many of which had racial undertones, erupted online, the White House was forced to defend itself.In a joint statement,...

Ex-justice's Wisconsin election probe drags on as critics laugh

Wisconsin prompted his political career in 2008. He defeated the first Black justice of the state Supreme Court in 2008, capitalizing on an advertisement...

Ex-officer claims to have been convicted

Peterson was convicted in the murder of Kathleen Savio by a jury in 2003. He has received a sentence from the judge for 38...

You can search for a resume to access the 1887 time capsule located under...

For the next few weeks workers will search for the famed 1887 timecapsule that was believed to be under the monument. The monument has...

Watchdog: Federal antiterror unit investigates journalists

Yahoo News published a detailed report about the investigation. It also revealed that the Counter Network Division had accessed records of members of Congress...

Things to Know About Injured Workers' Rights Atlanta GA

Making a living is very important. It is the primary way for a man to put food on the table. There are many ways...