New Zealand will deport persons who do not comply with country’s requirement that all citizens must go in the 14-day selvisolation.

It says New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, on the night of Monday Danish time. It writes the news agency Reuters.

thus There would be ‘zero tolerance’ for people who breach the restrictions, which the country has in place to prevent the spreading of coronaviruses, informs she.

the Government will use the country’s immigration law to deport the people with tourist visa, which will give a serious stain on people’s criminal record, sounds the warning. It writes the New Zealand Herald.

All of which will not adhere to the rule selvkarantæne at the point of entry, is thus ‘not welcome’, says Ardern.

Local, who does not go in the 14-day selvisolation after a trip, will be located on one of the public health properties, and the police will check that you not run away, she explains further.

at the same time, stresses the prime minister, that she is sure that the vast majority of those who will be in selvisolation, will do so voluntarily.

the Rule of the 14 day mandatory selvisolation after entry from abroad has also been introduced in neighboring Australia.

New Zealand’s prime minister prohibits night to Monday also all assemblies of more than 500 people in New Zealand. It does not apply to schools and universities.

This is because according to Ardern, that the situation is not yet so bad in New Zealand, where there has so far registered eight smittetilfælde. Including a Danish tourist.

the prime minister adds that the preliminary assessment from the country’s ministry of finance is that the economic consequences of the coronavirusset can be larger than the global financial crisis.

– At this time we can not be sure of the consequences, but we can be sure that they will be significant, she says.