Coronavirusepidemien in the Uk will last until the spring of 2021. At the same time expected to be four out of five britons being infected with coronavirusset.

This writes the british newspaper the Guardian on Sunday night.

the Newspaper, citing what is referred to as a secret note from Public Health England (PHE) in an orientation to staff of the british health service (NHS).

– Up to 80 percent of the population expected to be infected with the Covid-19 in the course of the next 12 months, while up to 15 percent (7,9 million people) may need hospitalization, it says in the note.

Covid-19 is the name of the disease, such as the new coronavirus from 2019 causes.

this is The first time that the health authorities with responsibility for dealing with coronavirusset in the Uk recognise that they expect that the virus will be in circulation for up to 12 months.

It is also the first time that the authorities recognise that coronavirusset will cause an already hard-pressed health care system an additional burden.

Professor Chris Whitty, who is the british government’s chief adviser in the field of health, have earlier mentioned the above figures as the worst case scenario. He estimates that the real number of infected and the number of admissions will be much lower.

In the orientation to the NHS says that, however, it is expected that four out of five – 80 percent of the population – will be infected with the virus.

According to a statement from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, on the night of Monday Danish time is 1395 people confirmed infected with the coronavirus in Britain.

Of these, 35 persons died while 21 have been declared healthy again.

the Statement does not cover any mørketal.