When preparing for your next trip, it’s essential to take into consideration some practical tips that can make your airport experience smoother and more efficient. One common practice that many travelers do is tying ribbons to their luggage to easily identify them at the carousel. However, an airport worker has revealed that this innocent habit can actually lead to issues with your luggage getting lost.

The reason behind this is that the ribbons can interfere with the scanning process of the baggage handling system at the airport. Most luggage has identifying tags attached to the handle, and when ribbons are added, they can obstruct the scanner from reading the tags correctly. This can result in the bag needing manual processing, which increases the chances of it not making it to the intended flight.

In addition to avoiding ribbons on your luggage, it’s also recommended to remove old stickers and tags that might confuse the scanning process. By keeping your luggage clean and free of unnecessary decorations, you can help ensure that it moves smoothly through the airport system without any hiccups.

Furthermore, the airport worker shared a unique piece of advice regarding packing items in your luggage. If you have a sweet tooth and enjoy bringing marzipan with you on your travels, it’s best to reconsider. Marzipan, due to its density, can sometimes trigger security alarms at airports because it resembles certain explosives. To avoid any potential delays or issues at security checkpoints, it’s best to leave the marzipan at home.

For those curious about other airport quirks, have you ever noticed that pilots rarely have beards or that cabin crew members tend to avoid hot drinks? These peculiarities are part of the unique world of air travel, and understanding them can add an extra layer of insight to your airport experience.

By following these tips and being aware of the small details that can impact your journey, you can navigate the airport with ease and ensure that your luggage arrives safely at your destination. Remember, simplicity is key when it comes to preparing for air travel, so keep your bags free of ribbons and unnecessary items to streamline the process from check-in to landing.