– Leif Donbæk write, that I am privilegieblind, because I suggest a doubling of SUen.

– But Donbæks post is filled with the front men, fallacies and dubious assertions – and, incidentally, is the Leif himself, who don’t realize their own privileges.

so begins radio host, columnist and university students, Jens Philip Yazdani is an answer to Leif Donbæk, lawyer, member of SF and columnist here at Dawn.
Leif Donbæk wrote namely on Thursday an op-ed on public Opinion, which has created a fierce debate with more than 1300 comments on both Facebook and public Opinion. See also: No, Jake, you are not poor

In most of the comments there is support for Leif, it does not seem that there are some reasons to double the SU, but Jens would just like to put a few things in place.
His response goes thus:

– Leif writes ” No, Jens, you are not poor.

– But dear Leif; I have also never claimed.

I merely point out, to 111.000, young students have an economy, as for all other groups in society would be characterized as relatively poor. And so, I question why this needs to be in one of the world’s richest countries.

He continued: ‘His theses is something that unskilled jobs don’t exist anymore’.

– No, Leif, my thesis is that they are gradually to be gone – what is correct. According to the Border Business is the amount of unskilled jobs has halved in 20 years. And the development continues. Their conclusion? That it is important to invest in education’.

– But Leif believes that education is one’s own investment in its future:
– ‘You are not poor if you choose to read instead of work, you make an active choice and invest in its future.’

– The fact that one’s income (maybe) will be good later, can I just not pay my landlord in the day – although Leif is welcome to do the experiment on my behalf.

– Likewise, no-one would indeed accept the argument that pensioners may not be poor today, because the previously earned good. This is the world, not together.

– According to Leif, however, it is not a problem to pay one’s landlord, of which he writes, then ‘SU’to a high enough that you fine can live.’

– however, It is only according to Leif’s own gut feeling, we must understand. In all case, no sources.

– The student’s own organisation, the Danish Student’s Council, says, it is not possible. And it makes the Nordea forbrugsøkonom Ann Lehmann Erichsen also, as I in my post direct quote: ‘you can’t live a SU.

– Fortunately, Leif better sense of the housing market than the rest of us, for ‘it is easy to live cheaply’.

again I ask: according to whom? A boligundersøglse shows that 40% of the students spend 80% of their SU or more exclusively on housing costs. In addition, I have personally led in e.g. Brøndby Strand. There is waiting time on the whole.

– Actually proposed to a woman from the city of Copenhagen to me even when I was just coming to Cph, I was looking in Kalundborg, denmark or Malmö, if I wanted something cheap with the same.

– to conclude by stating Leif, that ‘the word ‘privilegieblindhed’ for a very rare once it is completely appropriate to use here’

And yes, this is it – about Leif Donbæk, who himself is a qualified lawyer.

An industry in Copenhagen, with five years of seniority have an average monthly salary of 87.283 kr.

– To define who is poor and who is not is, without a shred of proof or evidence, without to relate to my post’s arguments, only with one’s attitude and gut feeling, when you yourself serve the box and I believe it is a self-proclaimed ‘champagnesocialist’, yes, it is allerhelvedes privilegieblindt, concludes Jens Philip Yazdani, but what are you thinking?