The Danish vagtlæger in these coronatider immensely busy.

In a posting on the Facebook lookup from Region Midtjylland calls, emergency doctors urge people to use the emergency number 112 correctly.

‘A prayer from the lægevagten.

There are many who are calling for lægevagten about coronavirus/covid19. This means that in some periods twice as long waiting in the phone than usually.

The long wait means that more people are choosing to call 1-1-2,’ write it.

But it is completely wrong to call 112, if one is not acutely ill. Therefore ask the danes about, to use corona-the hotline 7020 0233, if you can not find the answer, calling to their own doctor during business hours, and only call 112 by serious accident or life-threatening disease, such as severe shortness of breath, paralysis, and strong chest pain.