Nik & Jay are greater than ever. In each case, on its scenes.

It is about to be some years ago, the band has delivered a genuine national scourge, but in return, they sell more concert tickets than ever before.

See also: Nik & Jay: the Kings of the Royal Arena

today is reported to be sold out to Nik & Jay’s giant show at the Royal Arena in copenhagen 20. november, and the 16,000 tickets in smoke in just two days.

There was ‘only’ 14.000 fans as popstjernerne from Essen visited the Royal Arena in 2017.

Furthermore, Nik & Jay acoustic tour to the concert halls and arts centres in spring virtually sold out.

the Duo filled the furthermore, the K. B. Hallen in Copenhagen three times in the summer of 2019.

See also: They did it: For delicious at Smukfest

Nik & Jay released in december the album ‘Long live dreams’, which consisted of 12 singles, released every month in the course of 2019.

See also: Fail: Nik & Jay in trouble

the record peakede on albumlistens second place, and after 13 weeks on the top 40 is currently number 30.

the Other big Danish names like Gilli, Suspect and Dizzy Mizz Lizzy also appeared in the Royal Arena in the year, but there are still tickets to all three concerts.