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Usually it is the voltage across the missing last number to get the plate full, which can get your nerves up for grabs for bingo.

But to the ‘Bingo in Vig’ in Vig Forsamlingshus is a whole different drama that plagues the chair and the hosts in the Cove village Hall in these weeks.

Here they have been nasty threatening letters three Sundays in a row in connection with the bankospillet.

– It is uncomfortable. What you can imagine. When you actually get threatening letters that the man should be shot, ” says Poul Erik Andersen.

He has only seen the contents of the first two letters, because the third was taken with rubber gloves and placed in a bag with the same to ensure the track.

He says that in the first trusselsbrev just stated that it was ‘because of the water and the holding of the bingo’, and to Poul Erik Andersen and the hosts should be shot.

the Communications officer at Mid and West zealand Police, Charlotte Tornquist has previously told to the Nordvestnyt, that the letters is about dissatisfaction with the form, bankospillet settled on, but will not go into the details of the content at the current time.

Bankoformanden tells that there are some rules by bankospillet that you’re not even allowed to bring food and drinks, but to buy it on the spot. And it is also not allowed to put bankopladerne fixed with tape on the tables.

But it is not something new, according to Poul Erik Andersen.

– this has been the case always and in all places. I have been the chairman for 30 years, and I have never experienced anything like that, he says.

the Contents of the second letter had so great content, that he does not want to, that it must forward. He says that the two letters are written in pencil.

– It is very bad writing. Like a medium size child, says.

The first two threatening letters were placed in the mailbox, and the third found Poul-Erik Andersen on the floor in the hallway on Sunday at 17.30. At the time, was about 17 people come into the village hall, and the letter was not there, just as they came in.

Then called the police, and the doors were locked with the same, for it had to be one of us 17, who had put the letter, ” says Poul Erik Andersen.

the Police have been on the site all three Sundays. On Sunday, they arrived at the site and questioned all those present, but without finding brevskriveren.

the Communications officer at Mid and West zealand Police Martin Bjerregaard call matter ‘quite extraordinary’.

the Case remains unsolved, and there is neither arrested or accused in the case, he says.

They have sent the letters for further investigation for dna, fingerprints and other clues and awaiting a reply on whether it can bring them closer to a solution.