Sex is something of the funniest, most rewarding, transformativt delicious and yes, most sexy you can make, so why crack we do not constantly?

We have all sorts of reasons NOT to have sex in long term relationships – that is, beyond the ‘I’m just not horny’.

U.s. scientists with renowned Christian Mark in the lead has studied the reasons people give for not having sex on a daily basis.

Kiss & love – 25. christmas. 2016 – pm. 23:10 If you this, you increase the girlfriend’s desire

87 couples kept a journal for 30 days. At the same time they gave also, how satisfied they were with sex and marriage.

The three women scientists notes that there are similarities and differences between the two sexes in a while. Both women and men indicate ” it happened just isn’t’ and point thus, on a common, but uformuleret decision.

Women volunteered more often than men, that the reasons for not being grown sex, was that they were not in the ‘mood to it’, that they were too tired, and that sex is painful. The woman points thus on themselves as the reason.

Suitable enlisted men, more often, their partner was tired’ and not in the mood for it.

in Addition, there were listed a number of subjects under ‘other’.

Here mentioned logistical reasons, such as to the one or both are not flat, or that you had overnight guests. Illness, menstruation, and the bickering was also listed here.

the Researchers point to a few possible explanations why, among the participants are some gender differences.

Other research suggests that women in general have a tendency to give themselves the blame for the negative consequences and point to the partner for the positive. Men do as the reverse.

another explanation could be that women, according to many other studies, often report fatigue and low sex drive as the reason they don’t have sex, which fits well consistent with the fact that it fluctuates from day to day in this study.

See also: This happens to you the day after sex

Not surprisingly, it turns out that the reasons for not having sex was related to both satisfaction with sex and cohabitation, and given sex drive.

if you Have a high grundsexlyst, referred to more often partnergrunde not to have sex and, more rarely own reasons not to share bodily fluids. In other words: do you Have great desire for sex, it is likely that you’re pointing to your girlfriend as ‘guilt’ in that In does not get the cannon.

But at the same time, the study shows also, that if you are generally satisfied with sexual arousal, indicates also fewer partnergrunde. And if you are satisfied with the relationship, it is more likely to indicate common reasons for the lack of loud noise.

To the woman more than the man identifies himself as a reason for the couple not having sex, fit nicely in line with what the statistics in one of the world’s largest sexundersøgelser points:

In the Danish Sexus with 60,000 participants, it appears that men over a broad area, report a higher sex drive than women. Of course, some women easily have more desire than men and some men also less bright than the women, but as a group men are more set in more frequent sex.

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Therefore, we cultivate sex


Grow you sex with your girlfriend in order to achieve something positive such as intimacy, or crack you with your partner in order to avoid anything such as that he not be disappointed?

Your goal to having sex is of crucial importance for both sex drive and satisfaction with sex and cohabitation.

It has many studies identified. Researchers have, through two experiments demonstrated that one can actually manipulate people’s sexual motives in a positive direction. And it can be of great importance for the work with sexual problems in the couple.

in experiment participated 155 men and women aged 18 to 64. They were divided into three groups. The one – approach-group – having to write down an experience where they had cultivated sex to achieve a positive result; the own or the partner’s physical enjoyment, increased cohesion, and the like – and their thoughts and feelings about it.

The other group avoidance group described a sexoplevelse, where sexmålet was negative; to avoid conflicts in the relationship, disappointment, pressure, and so on – and their thoughts and feelings about it. The third group – the control group – were to describe the room they sat in.

Subsequently, completed all forms, as measured in their satisfaction with sex and cohabitation.

It turned out that the people in the first group reported greater sexual desire and greater satisfaction with sex and cohabitation than the other two teams. And it was purely on the basis of an exercise where they had to think of a positive sexoplevelse.

, which ran over three weeks, was 241 men and women aged 19 to 70 years. In the first week, participants were telling about their positive and negative motives for having sex, as well as tell on their sex drive and satisfaction with sex and cohabitation. Hence the researchers with an insight into the participants ‘ normal mode.

In week two, they were divided into three groups – approach, avoidance, control as in the first experiment and performed the same tasks. Then you had the participants indicated the benefits of positive sexmål and was asked to try to be proactive with this behavior in the coming week.

They should also write down how they would actually do it.

the Control group had to tell how they would move on in a local.

finally, participants were measured on the usual sexual and relational parameters.

the researchers ‘ hypotheses showed that the approach of the group, who were instructed to access sexual arousal with positive goals in mind, reported significantly higher satisfaction with sex and cohabitation, as well as greater sex drive than the other two groups.

all in All, it suggests that it is possible by fairly simple measures to help couples focus on the positive goals with sex – own or partner’s physical enjoyment and cohesion.