The new year is a good opportunity to take your relationship in the market – maybe there is room for improvement?

With assistance from a sex therapist Tracey Cox we can help you with a checklist that is a good starting point for you and your partner to engage in 2020 in the best possible way.

First of all: Are you evenly across a miserable one in your relationship, you feel you are overlooked, spoken down to, ignored, or in deficit, it might be time to move on. Develop small things to big quarrels and violent conflicts, where none of you have become smarter, only bitter, is there something wrong.

But it can be difficult to see when enough is enough, when something can be better, or have the potential for more.

Here is a good piece of advice, which can help you see things and your partner in the right light: your family and friends like your boyfriend? If you are the only one who can see the treasure which lies buried in your taxes, it might just snydeguld.

Use this mnemonic: There should not be more than a negative thought or interaction between the two of you for each of the five positive. In other words, more than a quarrel about the week means it is time to seek therapy or to divorce.

Kiss & love – 26. oct. 2018 – at. 22:13 Dare you not take this all-important conversation with the boyfriend?

You can’t change what your girlfriend says, does and feels, but you can even change your own focus.

Maybe you’ve got a habit of complaining over small things that irritate you that he now and then takes you suboptimal, that she is slightly less sexual desire than when In the met, that he is not begestret over the prospect of a weekend with your family in Jutland… everything possible that trigger conflicts and quarrels.

Here you have to practice to say never mind. And instead look at all the good things your boyfriend can, says, does and stands for.

Kiss & love – 5. jan. 2019 – at. 20:01 Five things every happy couple can do

You’ve heard it before, but it makes it no less true: Communication is essential for a good relationship.

Put word to your feelings, but be careful to not give the partner the fault with the fault on. Do you want to new things in bed, then put weight on them and not so much on the little things that might not work quite optimally. You have specific desires, share them – too big (sex)secrets eats the soul.

Show concern and responsiveness, when your girlfriend opens up. There is a high vulnerability associated with that show who you are. But there is also great value and intimitetsguld to download there.

See also: sex therapist has the answer: This should all men know about women

A mistake that many couple develops with the passage of time, is to read all sorts of things out of each other’s words and actions. We interpret the on signals. Thus, also in relation to sex.

In a relationship where one has more desire for sex than the other, it may take the case out. Are you the one who most often reject sex, you become nervous that all of your physical expressions of tenderness and care can be interpreted as the outline for sex, so it keeps you up with.

Are you the, more frequently have the desire for sex, are you extra aware of all the signs that your girlfriend is sending, which you interpret as sexsignaler.

to clear up this signaltolkningsmisere, so arrange to send a very clear yes and no signals which are not ambiguous for any of you.

Without guesswork can both relax and enjoy what now had to happen.

Immediately sound the advice might be a bit silly in kærlighedskontekst, but a couple of weekly walks, like in the free nature, is to create tranquility, contemplation, presence. The fresh air and movement is not only good for the body.

It is cheap and easy – and at go hand in hand next to each other, can In easier to talk about difficult things, which can seem unnecessarily confrontational, if you sit opposite each other. Here you can also talk about dreams and expectations, hopes and defeats in a curious and supportive exchange.

you can also simply enjoy nature and each other in silent presence.

Buying a notebook, which puts an easily accessible place along with a pen. In the writing Of the loving things to each other, as the thoughts and feelings pop up.

Small and big things, gratitude and am will hopefully fill the book, where you also may write things that piss you off, and as her boyfriend can do something about.

It can be a good way for people, who find it difficult to get things said honestly in a face-to-face conversation.

Remember to check it weekly.

And then think, which game it will be to be able to take it forward for several years and could look back on your relationship development with such a kærlighedsdagbog.

Kiss & love – 27. dec. 2019 – at. 23:05 This makes your sex life better and more intense

Even though the sex is a vulnerable and intimate and therefore also associated with deep seriousness, one must never forget to have fun with sex. Fun sex is NOT about to laugh at his partner, but would like a little bit at himself. Fun sex is all about playing, when you play, do you like fail. Fun sex is all about not to take it too seriously and not take all sexeksperternes advice too literally.

Fun sex can also be to enjoy themselves with kalorieberegneren, as sexhoppen has launched. Here you can calculate how many calories/glass of wine/beer/chocolate that goes on a bang.

did you Know, for example, that it requires 120 minutes in a standing 69’is to burn 8 1/2 pint? Here, however, we would recommend a brisk jog instead. Or to drink fewer beers.

Try better some of the other posts in a bit shorter time. It can only be fun.

See also: See Mathilde’s new sextæller