All global changes have a strong impact on the world economy. This is what we saw with the different industrial revolutions that our society experienced throughout History. Today, another revolutionary challenge is developing in our environment, it is about this transition towards a sustainable, non-polluting and environmentally friendly strategy that combats, among other purposes – but perhaps the most important – that of climate change.

Starting from this point, it is not surprising that the decarbonized economy brings changes that benefit not only environmental components and characteristics, but also the growth of wealth and, why not, employment. The projections used by experts speak of hundreds of thousands of ‘green collar jobs’.

They are specialists in circular economy, designers, creators, consultants, engineers, environmentalists, analysts… Professionals, in short, always in contact and relationship with sustainability and aimed at reducing the environmental impact of companies and economic sectors.

Faced with such a challenge, La Vanguardia organizes an informative event with professionals from the sector to address the keys to this future. To do this, he will have Teresa Tomás, CEO of Infoempleo; José Luis Gallego, renowned ecoconsultant and environmental disseminator; María Obiols, d’International Career Services and Human Resources Director of Esade and Joan Rieradevall, expert in ecodesign and partner of Inèdit Innova, an environmental innovation spin off of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

From this meeting, interesting data will emerge on how the implementation of a more sustainable economy will affect our environment, as well as the direct impact it will have on the creation of new jobs and opportunities for the next generations in Spain. It can be followed at on November 24 at 11 a.m.