The Supreme Court has confirmed that the commissions for depositing cash at the counter are null by rejecting an appeal by Bankinter to the ruling of the Provincial Court of Álava that established it, according to the consumer association EKA / ACUV explains on its website.

The first instance ruling was issued by the Commercial Court No. 1 of Vitoria, which declared null and void the commissions for depositing cash over the counter that Bankinter had been applying to those who were not account holders. “These commissions, which penalized cash income with an amount of 2 euros, were considered abusive and contrary to the law,” the association explains.

Bankinter decided to appeal to the Provincial Court and then to the Supreme Court. “However, recently, this body has rejected the appeal, arguing that the banking entity does not have the right to reply, since it is understood that it is a matter judged previously. Therefore, it is not appropriate to admit the appeal,” explains EKA / ACUV. “It confirms the nullity and abusiveness of these commissions,” he says in a note.