Meeting Doctors and Meeting Lawyers have joined forces to launch Meeting Pros, a brand through which they will jointly provide services.

“Both firms provide the same service: we offer professionals who serve the user remotely and immediately. We sell the service to companies, which then offer it to their users,” comment its managers, Claudia Pierre and Sergio Barrio, who assure that their clients have asked them to join forces to simplify procedures. For now, both firms will maintain their independence, although in the short term they intend to establish a holding company that brings them together. The idea is to expand the range of specialty areas. They now offer professionals from the world of medicine, law and veterinary medicine, and in the future they want to grow into the beauty and mental health sector.

In terms of shareholders, Meeting Doctors is controlled by Sergio Barrio and the management company Inveready, which has a small stake, while Meeting Lawyers is owned by Claudia Pierre, Carlos Ripollés, Lavanda Ventures (Puig family) and Meeting Doctors, which has promoted the company since its birth two years ago.

Jointly, both companies expect to earn 9 million euros this year, compared to 7 million in 2021. 80% of the income comes from Meeting Doctors, which has been in the market longer (it was born in 2017).

Both firms employ 80 salaried people and draw on a network of 400 freelance professionals.

25% of its activity already comes from abroad, from countries such as Mexico, France, Italy or Portugal. In the future, Meeting Pros hopes to enhance its international presence and, whenever possible, rely on its own resources. Pierre and Barrio assure that this year they will reach profitability.