Despite the progress towards real equality in recent decades, the economic gap continues to severely punish women, who on average earn 20% less and occupy only 9% of management positions. But the grievance goes much further. “We have been socialized not to have money,” says visual artist and egalitarian communication consultant Yolanda Domínguez, who has just published the book Women Bill.

“You reach the age of 40 and you see that your colleagues are company directors, they have their own house, savings in their bank account, and you have a closet full of clothes, but you don’t have that level of economic security or professional recognition,” he says. candid in the podcast Bolsillo, in which she addresses the economic blocks that many women suffer due to cultural stereotypes. For example, “we have the idea that money is something dirty,” while we look for “instant pleasure” in it in situations of decay.

The author, a member of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice at the UAM, explains how she has freed herself from prejudices and stood up to social pressure to start billing, saving and investing. She warns that the empowered woman has nothing to do with facial routines, being trendy or being addicted to Botox: “Empowerment means being independent of what society imposes on you, and the fact that women have to maintain “Life with the appearance of adolescent skin is neither sustainable nor natural, and it is a submission that impoverishes us.”

Finally, Domínguez advocates for equal financial education between men and women, and charges against the trap of hyperfemininity and unbridled consumption. “You just need to go to your closet and see the difference between what you have and what your partner, your brother or your father has,” she says, “they have their money in the bank and we have it invested in the closet.” .

Pocket is a biweekly podcast that offers information, experiences and advice to better navigate the complex world of domestic finances. You can listen to and subscribe to the podcast through audio platforms such as Spotify, iVoox, Apple Podcast, and Google podcast.

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