That is the night of Monday Danish time registered more people infected with the corona virus outside of China than within the chinese borders.

It writes CNN.

In China, where the virus broke out in december, there are registered more than 80,000 people infected. Thus China, with the lengths of the country, where most people have so far been infected.

But the number of smittetilfælde the world over have risen in recent days – and outside the borders of China there are now over 88.000 infected.

It shows a statement from Johns Hopkins University.

Of the picture belongs, however, to that of the global over 169.000 infected persons is declared more than 77,000 healthy again.

The drastic increase in the number of infected people outside of China are among the second happened in Italy, where there are now more than 21,000 people infected.

in Addition, the countries worst affected Iran with the button 14.000 infected and south Korea, with over 8,000 infected.

Several european countries are also among the countries with the most registered smittetilfælde – including Spain, France and Germany.

The 26. February could be the world health organisation, WHO, for the first time to report several new daily smittetilfælde outside China than in China, writes CNN.

And the trend has continued since. On the night of Monday Danish time, there are registered 16 new smittetilfælde in China, while there are registered 14 new deaths as a result of the virus the past day.

Of the 16 new smittetilfælde is 12 persons have been infected abroad, inform the chinese health authorities. It writes the AFP news agency.

this is The third day in a row, is that in China recorded several individuals who have been infected abroad, than people who have been infected in the country.

There are recorded a total of 123 people in China who have been infected outside the country’s borders.

The chinese government has ordered all citizens to go in the 14-day quarantine in order to limit new smittetilfælde in the country.