Bars, restaurants, nightclubs and theaters are ordered closed in the u.s. cities of Los Angeles and New York.

It shall notify the cities ‘ mayors, Bill de Blasio and Eric Garcetti, on the night of Monday Danish time.

the Actions happening in the attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Any restaurant, bar or café that sells food, will only be able to offer takeout and delivery, says the mayors.

the Virus can spread rapidly through the dense interactions, as new yorkers have restaurants, bars and places, where we sit close together. We need to slow down, says the mayor of New York Bill de Blasio.

Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti said on Sunday evening local time, he also orders the gyms closed.

Both mayors say that it has not been an easy decision.

– The here the sites are a part of the heart and soul of our city. But our city is faced with an unprecedented threat, and we must respond with a krigstidsmentalitet, says de Blasio.

the Demise of culture and eateries in New York shall enter into force on Tuesday morning local time. In Los Angeles applies the restrictions from midnight on Sunday.

It is not known how long the restrictions in New York applies, while the Los Angeles-companies that are affected by the decision, must remain closed until the 31. march – with the possibility of extension.

More than 50,000 restaurants in New York city is expected to close on Tuesday morning. The closure will affect more than 800,000 employees.

the Number of people infected with coronavirus in the UNITED states has risen to over 3000. Only the past day, there are registered more than 800 new smittetilfælde, including 200 in New York city.

on Monday, closing several american cities, including New York, schools. Gatherings of more than 50 people in the UNITED states are discouraged in addition, in the next eight weeks.