The La Caixa Foundation granted the JUNTS project: Program d’Ajuda entre Iguas of the Chair of Aging and Quality of Life of TecnoCampus an economic subsidy to carry out its proposal to prevent loneliness among the elderly in the Maresme region . The delivery of said endowment is carried out within the framework of the 2022 call for the Aid Program for Social Initiative Projects of Obra Social La Caixa.

“For us it is a great satisfaction that the project has been recognized. It is not the first time that we have presented our proposals to the entity, previously we presented social transfer programs that were financed for us”, explains Dr. Esther Cabrera, director of the Chair of Aging and Quality of Life.

The subsidy, which is aimed at promoting the transfer of knowledge in the field of health by promoting personalized activities and workshops, is endowed with a value of €20,410 and is included in the scope of action of the elderly and related challenges of aging.

“Our objective is to give the tools to the elderly so that they can help and accompany older people who are in a situation of unwanted loneliness”, explains Dr. Cabrera, promoter of the project.

The JUNTS program, which has the collaboration of the Federació d’Associacions de Gent Gran de Catalunya (FATEC) and the Argentona, Pineda de Mar, Calella and Mataró City Councils, has emerged with the objective that people over 65 years old, who are empowered and with a good quality of life, can act as mentors for the most fragile elderly and at risk of loneliness through a peer-learning methodology.

“This proposal arose to solve the unwanted isolation of elderly people in the cities of Argentona, Mataró, Pineda de Mar and Calella. All of them from the Maresme region”, says Dr. Cabrera. And she adds: “The Chair is working on research projects that show the high prevalence of loneliness among the elderly, especially among women, who are the ones who are widowed before.”

The project seeks to create a network of equals among people over 65 years of age in the Maresme region so that they detect people in a situation of loneliness and can prevent social problems that may affect physical and mental health.

To develop this support network, more than 50 volunteers over the age of 65 will be trained in emotional support content, social support and digital skills that allow them to be mentors and be empowered in their environment to help others.

“Ultimately, what JUNTS is looking for is that the elderly population that is at risk of isolation or involuntary loneliness has a community tool to turn to if they need it and that they can support themselves to face problems of the day by day”, points out the promoter of the program.

The proposal of the Chair of Aging and Quality of Life understands the aging process from a social point of view and not only as a health issue linked to the perspective of progressive loss of health and physical deterioration.

“We must invest more efforts and resources in helping the elderly by creating community support networks that allow them to age with the highest quality of life”, affirms Dr. Esther Cabrera.

In the year 2022, and according to data from the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), 19.65% of the Spanish population was or had exceeded 65 years of age. Likewise, in 2020, the National Institute of Statistics (INE) indicated that the Spanish population of that age group was around 21%. Both data seem to indicate that we are facing an aging society.

“Currently, the solutions we have are insufficient; we must address the aging of a large part of the population. It is necessary to start proposing new solutions and stop thinking that the family is the only resource for caring for the elderly”, says the director of the Chair for Aging and Quality of Life.

“The future of society requires avoiding ageism and taking older people into account, we must be aware that we are all going to grow old and we want to do so with the best quality of life possible. We must once again value the elderly and promote more caring communities”, concludes Dr. Esther Cabrera, promoter of the JUNTS project.