The Flipper Zero is a small pocket device that was born to make our lives more comfortable. This small remote control that has a dolphin as its mascot was created a few years ago with the aim of managing games on mobile phones, consoles or televisions in a simple and intuitive way. It is priced at $169 (around 155 euros at current exchange rates) and can be purchased directly through the manufacturer’s website and on the main online sales platforms.

What until now was considered a harmless-looking device and to a certain extent cute when using the figure of a dolphin as a mascot has become a headache for police authorities. The gadget not only acts as a small remote control for electronic games – its screen measures 1.4 inches diagonally – but also an ally for hackers. This has been demonstrated by countless hackers by managing to alter the operation of some electronic devices.

The device, which is reminiscent of the tamagotchi, the famous virtual pets of the 1990s, is capable of intercepting and reproducing signals that allow keyless entry systems to be opened, such as doors in homes, cars and parking lots if they have digital access codes. It can also read, copy and emulate wireless identification tags via radio waves (RFID and NFC) and scan and play some radio frequencies. Namely, the Flipper Zero acts as a small remote control to hack certain electronic functions.

In a video published by the RocketGod YouTube channel, we can see how this small mobile device is capable of changing the price of fuel that is advertised on the panel of a service station. A hacker manages to manipulate the digits by operating the Flipper Zero from his own car.

However, the ‘hacker’ does not explain whether the price of gasoline and diesel -expressed in dollars per gallon (equivalent to 3.78 liters)- was modified at the pumps. If so, it would also have been very cheap to refuel at this service station.

In addition to successfully manipulating the fuel price panel at gas stations, the Flipper Zero can also act as a key to unlock the front doors of homes with digital locks. We can see it in the following video posted on the Flipper Zero Videos account on YouTube where a hacker can be seen using a small smart device to open the doors of a building and enter its premises with total impunity.

In another video published on the internet about the fraudulent use of the Flipper Zero, we can see how a hacker manages to change the lights of a traffic light from red to green using this little gadget. In this way, when you approach a crossing regulated by a traffic light, you can continue driving without having to stop, with the certainty that you have right of way.

From a legal point of view, the Flipper Zero can be used as long as its use does not violate the law. However, if the device is used to hack the operation of certain electronic devices, it is considered a crime, in accordance with article 197.1 of the Penal Code.