Of the total mortgages closed in all of 2023, 51.85% obtained financing greater than the usual 80%, according to data from Housfy, an expert company in real estate services.

The percentage of concessions, of these mortgages, has been growing over the quarters, increasing in one year by 13.91 percentage points.

Financial institutions usually grant a maximum financing of 80% of the value of the home, and obtaining a higher percentage can be a puzzle.

But it doesn’t always have to be this way, at Housfy, an expert company in real estate services, the possibility of obtaining a mortgage with more than 80% financing increases. According to its latest study, 51.85% of the mortgages that closed in 2023 exceeded this financing.

Likewise, 34.42% of the mortgages achieved 90% or more, 9.87% were 95% or more, and 6% were signed with 100% financing or more (mortgage plus expenses).

The percentage of financing that can be accessed always depends on the profile of the applicant, and in these mortgages with higher financing a clear pattern can be observed. The majority of the owners were permanent workers in their companies, self-employed or civil servants, who requested the loan, with two owners or one with a high income and collateral.

The achievement of this high percentage of mortgages with more than 80% financing has been growing over the quarters before reaching this 51.85% in 2023.

Specifically, it went from a reach of 44.01% of the total in the first quarter, to 50.14% in the second, 56.52% in the third, and 65.57% in the fourth quarter of the year. anus.

2024 has continued with the same trend, since in this first quarter already passed, the obtaining of mortgages with more than 80% financing increased by 13.91 percentage points compared to the same period of 2023, which translates as an increase real 31.61%. Thus, mortgages processed with more than 80% financing were 57.92% in the first period of 2024.

When you request a mortgage from the bank for a second home, whether for residence or investment, the maximum percentage of financing that it usually provides is 70%, since with this type of property the risk of non-payment is greater. .

Housfy has managed to exceed this limit in 53.33% of its mortgages completed in 2023. The same upward behavior of regular homes can be observed in these mortgages throughout the quarters, in which they go from representing just half in the first and second quarters, to 60% in the third and fourth.

As for the first quarter of 2024, mortgages on second homes with more than 70% financing increase until they reach 66.66% of total operations. This percentage represents a growth of 16.66 percentage points compared to the first quarter of 2023, a fact that entails a real increase of 33.32%.